这是一篇论文。 它表达部分 mediawiki.org 用户的观点和想法,但可能没有广泛支持。 欢迎根据需要修改本页或通过讨论页提议大修改。 |
- 提高(核心/扩展)代码的复杂度
- 提高出现 bug 的机率
- 增加要做的程序维护工作
- 成倍增加需要被测试的情况
- 使设置变得更复杂,让萌新找不到各种玩意儿
- 增加需要翻译的东西
- 增加已经要把人压垮的文档
- 给已经太大的用户选项数据库再加几行(T54777)
- Adds to the quantity of things that need to be considered, when contemplating any additional new features in the same feature-set
- 让我们更难找到 bug
- 要避免缓存碎片化
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—两名开发者,在IRC上对于MediaWiki安装过程和文档的改进的讨论,已翻译 ~2014年。 |
When I sign up for a new website, I immediately go to the settings menu to see: What things I can turn on, and what I might want to turn off (either now, or in the future). When I install a new program, operating system, or game,[2] I immediately look through the Toolbar and the Preferences/Options menu. They tell me a lot about the software, e.g.:
- Technical vocabulary (concepts, keywords, and groupings),
- which settings the developers thought were "useful enough to include, but not crucial enough to set as default",
- which options the specialized-power-users might need, that I might want to investigate or use once I become proficient with the basics.
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— @MrAlanCooper[1] |
This wiki endeavour, requires tools that are as complicated as Photoshop or Autocad, for many editors but not all. Newcomers often need something simple, as do casual-editors.
- MS Paint is great! It's Welcoming, and easy to learn via experimenting, and easy to create simple (sometimes even complex) projects in!
- Photoshop is great! A dense abundance of menus, and a profusion of tiny and detailed-metadata, for those who need it! For those who spend many hours every day, for many years, working hard within it.
We want and need both ends of the spectrum, and a migration path for users to slowly learn about bits of the complexity without being overwhelmed.
- ↑ 不过,它确实需要一些内置文档。我以前用过一个插件,它可以给每个选项加点有用的说明,可惜它后来不更新了。
- ↑ - "So let's start with the options" - Bayonetta review (Youtube)
Further reading
- "You Won’t Use That Cool Feature. So why do all these settings even exist?" at The New York Times
- "[…] three culprits behind ever-growing features. […] Second, products with many millions of users must appeal to people with widely different needs. […]"
- "Less than 5% of the users we surveyed had changed any settings at all." Study results from Jared Spool
- "[…] We also asked our participants for background information, like age and occupation, to see if that made a difference. It didn’t, except one category of people who almost always changed their settings: programmers and designers. They often had changed more than 40% (and some had changed as much as 80%) of the options in the program. […]"