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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Just make it a user preference and the translation is 58% complete.




  1. 提高(核心/扩展)代码的复杂度
    1. 提高出现 bug 的机率
    2. 增加要做的程序维护工作
    3. 成倍增加需要被测试的情况
  2. 使设置变得更复杂,让萌新找不到各种玩意儿
  3. 增加需要翻译的东西
  4. 增加已经要把人压垮的文档
  5. 给已经太大的用户选项数据库再加几行(T54777
  6. Adds to the quantity of things that need to be considered, when contemplating any additional new features in the same feature-set
  7. 让我们更难找到 bug
  8. 要避免缓存碎片化






<甲> 让第一个问题为“您想要用默认设置还是要自定义设置?”
<乙> 合格的呆子都会回答“自定义”

—两名开发者,在IRC上对于MediaWiki安装过程和文档的改进的讨论,已翻译 ~2014年。


When I sign up for a new website, I immediately go to the settings menu to see: What things I can turn on, and what I might want to turn off (either now, or in the future). When I install a new program, operating system, or game,[2] I immediately look through the Toolbar and the Preferences/Options menu. They tell me a lot about the software, e.g.:

  • Technical vocabulary (concepts, keywords, and groupings),
  • which settings the developers thought were "useful enough to include, but not crucial enough to set as default",
  • which options the specialized-power-users might need, that I might want to investigate or use once I become proficient with the basics.

One way to make complex systems easy to use is to remove the functionality. But that isn't really solving the problem, is it?

— @MrAlanCooper[1]

This wiki endeavour, requires tools that are as complicated as Photoshop or Autocad, for many editors but not all. Newcomers often need something simple, as do casual-editors.


  • MS Paint is great! It's Welcoming, and easy to learn via experimenting, and easy to create simple (sometimes even complex) projects in!
  • Photoshop is great! A dense abundance of menus, and a profusion of tiny and detailed-metadata, for those who need it! For those who spend many hours every day, for many years, working hard within it.

We want and need both ends of the spectrum, and a migration path for users to slowly learn about bits of the complexity without being overwhelmed.


  1. 不过,它确实需要一些内置文档。我以前用过一个插件,它可以给每个选项加点有用的说明,可惜它后来不更新了。
  2. - "So let's start with the options" - Bayonetta review (Youtube)

Further reading