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Extension:WikiLambda/Development environment

From mediawiki.org

This page contains a detailed guide to have a fully functional local installation of Wikifunctions, either for its use or for development purposes.

Environment overview


The Wikifunctions architecture includes the WikiLambda extension as well as the back-end services: function-orchestrator and function-evaluator as well as shared tooling and definitions in wikilambda-cli and function-schemata.

There are different levels of environment complexity that we can work with:

  • A local MediaWiki installation with the WikiLambda extension with the back-end services running remotely. You can follow the the MediaWiki-Docker instructions for WikiLambda.
  • A local MediaWiki+WikiLambda installation (same as previous point), with the back-end services running locally on docker containers.
  • A local MediaWiki+WikiLambda installation and with the back-end services running on a local Kubernetes cluster. This is the most complex environment setup and only advised if you need to replicate a production-like environment.
TODO: Update instructions in MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/WikiLambda. The configuration variables with the URLs of evaluator will not be necessary anymore. Maybe we can leave there the installation with lower level of complexity (with services running remotely), and redirect to this page for either the installation of the services with docker-compose.override.yml, or with minikube

Running the back-end services on docker


Using registry images


You can locally run containers built from images of our back-end services that have been already merged and pushed to the Wikimedia docker-registry. This will allow you to run functions locally without having to clone our back-end repositories and build the images locally.

Copy the contents of the services block in WikiLambda's docker-compose.sample.yml file to the analogous services block in your mediawiki/docker-compose.override.yml file. Replace the <TAG> entries in the stanza you just copied with the latest builds from the Docker registry for the orchestrator and the evaluators: wasm-python3 and wasm-javascript. (Note: We will be deprecating omnibus and others, the wasm* images are all we need for now.)

Then, run the set of containers with docker compose up -d. Once everything is done, you should be able to do docker compose ps and see all your containers with a running status.

Finally, get the full URL of your function orchestrator by inspecting again this data and gathering the <container name>:<external port> details:

docker compose ps function-orchestrator

NAME                           COMMAND             SERVICE                 STATUS              PORTS
core-function-orchestrator-1   "node server.js"    function-orchestrator   running   >6254/tcp, :::6254->6254/tcp

If your MediaWiki checkout is called "core", this url will most likely be core-function-orchestrator-1:6254, but make sure that that's the correct name generated by docker compose. Edit your LocalSettings.php file from your mediawiki installation folder and add:

$wgWikiLambdaOrchestratorLocation = 'core-function-orchestrator-1:6254';

Test your installation


You can automatically test your installation by editing your local copy of ApiFunctionCallTest.php to remove @group: Broken, and running the PHPUnit test suite as described in the MediaWiki install instructions, or by using the following command:

docker compose exec mediawiki composer phpunit:entrypoint -- extensions/WikiLambda/tests/phpunit/integration/API/ApiFunctionCallTest.php

You can manually evaluate a function call by navigating to http://localhost:8080/wiki/Special:EvaluateFunctionCall, selecting a function from the wiki, and choosing your inputs. If successful, the function response will be presented, having traversed the orchestrator and the evaluator to be run in one of the code executors.

You can also visit http://localhost:8080/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox and try out one or more tests as follows:

  • In the action drop-down menu, select wikilambda_function_call
  • Switch from the main to the action=wikilambda_function_call section on the left sidebar
  • Click on {} Examples, and select any of the listed examples
  • Click the blue Make request button
  • In the Results box, look for the word "success".

🎉 Congratulations! 🎉

Using local images


If you want to modify and run our back-end services, you will have to clone our repositories and build the images locally.

1. Requirements

  1. Ensure that you are using docker compose version 2.x or above. If you have 1.x, you will need to upgrade, or, if using Docker Dashboard, you may be able to select a preference for "Use Composer v2".
  2. Install Blubber

2. Clone the repositories


Clone the back-end services locally. You can clone both of them, or only the one that you wish to alter.

For [[1]] service:

# Clone the repo with --recurse-submodules flag
git clone --recurse-submodules git@gitlab.wikimedia.org:repos/abstract-wiki/wikifunctions/function-orchestrator.git

# Or adjust your local check-out later if you have already cloned the repo
git clone git@gitlab.wikimedia.org:repos/abstract-wiki/wikifunctions/function-orchestrator.git
git submodule update --init

For the [[2]] service:

# Clone the repo with --recurse-submodules flag
git clone --recurse-submodules git@gitlab.wikimedia.org:repos/abstract-wiki/wikifunctions/function-evaluator.git

# Or adjust your local check-out later if you have already cloned the repo
git clone git@gitlab.wikimedia.org:repos/abstract-wiki/wikifunctions/function-evaluator.git
git submodule update --init

3. Build the local images using blubber


Blubber is an abstraction for container build configurations that outputs Dockerfiles. To build local images for our services we will need to run blubber and then build the images using the output Dockerfile. We will then use the newly created image name to inform our mediawiki docker-compose where to build the serves from.

To build the function-orchestrator docker image, go into the repo root directory and run:

blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml development | docker build -t local-orchestrator -f - .

# You can also save the Dockerfile locally:
blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml development > Dockerfile
# And then just run the following command when you need to update the image:
docker build -t local-orchestrator .

To build the function-evaluator docker image, you can do the same as with the orchestrator. Just remember to alter the image name:

blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml development | docker build -t local-evaluator -f - .

Now if you run docker images you will see your newly built local-orchestrator and local-evaluator images, both of them tagged as latest.

4. Build the containers


Alter the docker-compose.override.yml file from your mediawiki installation directory to change the image from which your back-end service(s) are built. The image field will need to be set to the value <image_name>:latest, where the image name is the one given in step 3. Do this for both or for only the one you wish to alter.

If your docker-compose.override.yml is empty or doesn't exist, don't panic! follow the first step from the above section named "Using registry images"

For example, if you want to use both locally built images, your docker-compose.override.yml file should be:

    image: local-orchestrator:latest
      - 6254:6254
    image: local-evaluator:latest
      - 6927:6927

You are now ready to test your installation following the steps from above

Logging from the back-end services


While developing or modifying any of the back-end services, you might want to log messages and use them for debugging. You can do that simply by using console.log or console.error anywhere in the code, but to see these outputs, you must rebuild the project, reinitialize the docker containers, and view docker logs.

For example, after adding console.log statements in function-orchestrator or in its submodule function-schemata, run blubber in the function-orchestrator root directory. Once the image is rebuilt, restart your MediaWiki docker containers with docker compose up -d.

Use docker compose logs or docker logs to view the logs:

# Show all container logs and follow
docker compose logs -f

# Show only function-orchestrator logs and follow
docker compose logs function-orchestrator -f

# Alternate logs command
# Runs from any directory with cleaner output, but is less comprehensible
docker logs mediawiki-function-orchestrator-1

To log exceptions from the python executor (function-evaluator/executors/python3/executor.py):

import logging
logging.exception("this is some error")

And similarly, rebuild the function-evaluator with blubber and reinitialize the MediaWiki docker containers.

Testing the back-end services


To test function-orchestrator you can use npm.

First you must make sure that the address and port is available. If you have your docker environment up and the service is occupying that same port, you can simply do docker compose down while you run the tests:

# Install npm dependencies
npm install

# Run test script: this runs lint and mocha
npm run test

# Or skip linting by doing
npm run test:nolint

To test function-evaluator you will need to use the docker variants that run in CI:

# To run the full suite for the Node service
blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml test | \
  docker build -t test -f - . && \
  docker run test

# To run the tests for the Python executor
blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml test-python3-executor | \
  docker build -t testpy -f - . && \
  docker run testpy
# To run the tests for the JavaScript executor
blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml test-javascript-executor | \
  docker build -t testjs -f - . && \
  docker run testjs
For more tips, tricks and scripts on how to develop, debug and test the back-end services, see the Abstract Wikipedia developer cheatsheet

Deploying to Kubernetes


There are two ways to deploy Wikifunctions to Kubernetes locally:

  • deploy the CI helm chart (easier and supported by the team)
  • deploy a production-like Kubernetes deployment (harder, using alpha tooling)

Deploying the CI helm chart


To deploy the same helm chart chart that the end-to-end tests deploy on CI on your own computer, follow the instructions in the aw-ci-chart README. This is more straight forward and is a close approximation to a production deployment and allows you to specify which WikiLambda patch you want to deploy.

Service deployment to production-like Kubernetes


For expert development mode, you might need to replicate a production-like environment in your local machine using Kubernetes. For that you will need to install

There are multiple drivers for minikube to run, with docker being the recommended one. This guide will assume that the minikube driver used is docker. For more info go to https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/

You will also need to clone the following repositories:

This tutorial also assumes that function-orchestrator and function-evaluator are already part of the master branch in the deployment-charts repository, which is a rather futuristic (and optimistic) assumption. But we will get there.

Similarly to the case with docker, this environment also allows us to create the service containers from the official images pushed to the registry or from images built locally. Let's review both options.

Using registry images


Local-charts is a tool to run a Mediawiki ecosystem in Minikube using the Helm charts from the deployment-charts repo. First, run the installation script by running make install from the repo's root directory and start minikube with make start.

Edit the file helm/requirements.yaml and at the end of the list of dependencies add the following:

  - name: function-orchestrator
    version: 0.0.1
    repository: "https://helm-charts.wikimedia.org/stable/"
    condition: global.enabled.function-orchestrator
  - name: function-evaluator
    version: 0.0.1
    repository: "https://helm-charts.wikimedia.org/stable/"
    condition: global.enabled.function-evaluator

If the back-end service charts are not available in the ChartMuseum, you can also point to local charts by replacing the repository with the relative path of the function-orchestrator and function-evaluator charts from the deployments-charts repo.

  - name: function-orchestrator
    version: 0.0.1
    repository: "file://../../../operations/deployment-charts/charts/function-orchestrator"
    condition: global.enabled.function-orchestrator
  - name: function-evaluator
    version: 0.0.1
    repository: "file://../../../operations/deployment-charts/charts/function-evaluator"
    condition: global.enabled.function-evaluator

Now create a values.yaml file from the example file values.example.yaml and edit it. You should add the new added services in the global.enabled section. Also, set all the other services to false, as we won't be needing them:

    mariadb: false 
    mediawiki: false 
    parsoid: false 
    restrouter: false 
    function-orchestrator: true
    function-evaluator: true

You are ready to start the Kubernetes cluster in minikube now. Do:

# Start minikube with
make start

# Deploy and name your release as wikifunctions
make deploy release=wikifunctions

Once your services are deployed, you should probably test that everything went well.

# Get your minikube IP by doing:
minikube ip
# You can run the minikube dashboard too...
# You should see both services in green!
minikube dashboard

# Let's inspect the deployed services using kubectl
kubectl get services
> NAME                                  TYPE        ... PORT(S)          AGE
> function-orchestrator-wikifunctions   NodePort    ... 6254:30001/TCP   18s
> function-evaluator-wikifunctions      NodePort    ... 6927:30002/TCP   18s

# We should be able to make a cURL request to any of the
# services using the minikube IP and the services external ports:
> {"name":"function-orchestrator","version":"0.0.1","description":"A Wikifunctions service to orchestrate WikiLambda function executors","home":"http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract%20Wikipedia"}

🎉 Success! 🎉

Using local images


Create new service chart



If you want to create a new chart use the create_new_service.sh script, test it and upload a change to Gerrit. Then wait for a review.

Running create_new_service.sh for function-orchestrator

> 6254
> function-orchestraotr
image label
> wikimedia/mediawiki-services-function-orchestrator

Running create_new_service.sh for function-evaluator

> 6927
> function-evaluator
image label
> wikimedia/mediawiki-services-function-evaluator

Change in the chart

function-orchestrator: * main_app.version: ff7fb9f7ccdd9d9f9e635ccbc0269ae76cd828b9 * main_app.readiness_probe.httpGet.path: /_info * tls.public_port: 4970

function-evaluator: * main_app.version: fffdeacd512acc72dc7f73b1feaf988dcfed198a * main_app.readiness_probe.httpGet.path: /_info * tls.public_port: 4971

Now you are ready to run using releng/local-charts

Test charts using local-charts


Local-charts tutorial: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Local-charts/Tutorial

Followed this to test deployment chart for function-orchestrator: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Deployment_pipeline/Migration/Tutorial

make deploy values=values.example.yaml

# Or with values.yaml
cp values.example.yaml values.yaml
make deploy
minikube ip
kubectl get svc

# Let's name our release
make deploy release=wikifunctions

Delete all:

# Without naming release:
helm del default

# But with the name
helm del wikifunctions

To make changes and update the deployment do:

# For unnamed release
make update

# For named release
make update release=wikifunctions

Test deployment:

minikube ip

kubectl get svc
> NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
> function-orchestrator-default   NodePort   <none>        6254:30642/TCP   18s

> {"name":"function-orchestrator","version":"0.0.1","description":"A Wikifunctions service to orchestrate WikiLambda function executors","home":"http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract%20Wikipedia"}

This configuration allows us to deploy the function-orchestrator and function-evaluator images pushed to the wikimedia registry, identified as wikimedia/mediawiki-services-function-evaluator, but what if we want to test local changes without having to merge and push to the remote registry?

This way we could: * Use local images of function-orchestrator and function-evaluator, which we can alter, deploy and test inside the pods * Use deployment-charts to edit config parameters, and add new environment variables into the services * Configure our locally running installation of mediawiki and alter the config variables so that we can point at the services running in Kubernetes instead to the ones running in docker containers * [QUESTION] Can we have the function-orchestrator service deployed inside of kubernetes, make GET requests to the mediawiki installation running over docker on the host machine?

To use local images for the services instead of the ones in the registry, modify deployment-charts values.yaml for each service:

For development purposes:

  # registry: docker-registry.wikimedia.org
  registry: localhost:5000
  pull_policy: IfNotPresent


  # image: wikimedia/mediawiki-services-function-orchestrator
  # version: ff7fb9f7ccdd9d9f9e635ccbc0269ae76cd828b9 # we use
  image: local-orchestrator
  version: latest

And the same changes for function-evaluator.


Use local docker


As the README describes, you can reuse the Docker daemon from Minikube with eval $(minikube docker-env).

So to use an image without uploading it, you can follow these steps:

Set the environment variables with eval $(minikube docker-env)
Build the image with the Docker daemon of Minikube (eg docker build -t my-image .)
Set the image in the pod spec like the build tag (eg my-image)
Set the imagePullPolicy to Never, otherwise Kubernetes will try to download the image.

Important note: You have to run eval $(minikube docker-env) on each terminal you want to use, since it only sets the environment variables for the current shell session.

# From the function-orchestrator directory:
cd function-orchestrator

# Set environment variables so that minikube and host share the same docker daemon
eval $(minikube docker-env)

# Build the image with the Docker daemon of minikube
blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml development | docker build -t local-evaluator -f - .

# Or if the Dockerfile has been created, just do:
docker build -t local-evaluator .

# Now, can we deploy local images using development-charts?
# NOPE, it requires we specify the registry url

# Okay let's create a local registry
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2

# And tag our local images
docker image tag local-orchestrator localhost:5000/local-orchestrator
docker image tag local-evaluator localhost:5000/local-evaluator

# YES!!
# They are responding
# Wohoooo
# Evaluator: curl
# Orchestrator: curl

# Now let's see if we can see the container logs
# Find the name of the containers that we want to log
docker ps -a | grep node | grep function-*

# And log
docker logs <container_name> -f

So that we don't have to re-tag images every time that we generate them, and change the image tag in deployment-charts, we are going to edit the deployment-charts template so that helm always creates a new container for function-orchestrator from local-orchestrator:latest whenever we do make update

For this, we have added in the function-orchestrator depoyment.yaml template:

        {{- if .Values.config.development }}
        # FIXME: Remove 'rollme', development only: force roll every time we do helm update
        rollme: {{ randAlphaNum 5 | quote }}
        {{- end }}

And we can set this variable in releng/local-charts/values.yaml:

    development: true

Setting development value to true will force helm update to always roll the function-orchestrator image, and setting to false will only roll if the chart or values have changed. This is useful for development purposes, in which we don't wanna be changing the tags and all the related parameters in deployments-charts, but we want to be able to make local changes to function-orchestrator, create the local image, tag it, and redeploy it inside minikube.

# For every function-orchestrator change,
# Do in function-orchestrator directory (with minikube-env):
blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml development | docker build -t local-orchestrator -f - .
docker image tag local-orchestrator localhost:5000/local-orchestrator

# Do in local-charts directory (with minikube-env):
make update release=wikifunctions

# Find the container and print the log again, because the container ID has changed
docker ps -a | grep node | grep function-*
docker logs <container_name> -f

# Do curl with the same IP because the service port has not changed:
curl -X POST

Example of a CURL request for testing:

curl -X POST -d '{ "zobject": { "Z1K1": "Z7", "Z7K1": "Z885", "Z885K1": "Z502" }, "doValidate": true}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Can we connect from minikube to localhost? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55164223/access-mysql-running-on-localhost-from-minikube

YES, minikube directly creates two host names: minikube and host.minikube.internal, which means that we can use these names from INSIDE the kubernetes cluster, so in the function-orchestrator variables in deployment-charts:

    FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_URL: http://minikube:31318/1/v1/evaluate/                
    WIKI_URL: http://host.minikube.internal:8080/w/api.php                      

And WikiLambda will need to have the URL of the orchestrator this way:

$wgWikiLambdaOrchestratorLocation = '';

Finally we need to be able to make requests to that IP from the mediawiki docker composer. If we have minikube running with docker (we should), we will have a network called minikube already created:

docker network ls

f9c9960881a6   bridge         bridge    local
b7e0ca8c4fcd   core_default   bridge    local
00911e6f166e   host           host      local
c9521850bca9   minikube       bridge    local
2c7f44adeb7d   none           null      local

We can inspect the networkd data with

docker network inspect minikube

Where we can see what containers are attached to this network. We would need our mediawiki docker containers to connect to that network directly, for which we need to edit the docker-compose.override.yml file in our mediawiki/core directory and add the following:

# We can also comment the previously used services here,
# because we are going to use the kubernetes ones from now on

# services:
#   function-orchestrator:
#     image: local-orchestrator:latest
#     ports:
#       - 6254:6254
#   function-evaluator:
#     image: local-evaluator:latest
#     ports:
#       - 6927:6927

# Make the containers connect to the minikube network by default

    name: minikube

Once the containers are run again, we can do docker network inspect minikube and we should see how our mediawiki containers are now part of the Containers map:

        "Name": "minikube",
        "Id": "c9521850bca9ec76afc26dd27eaf4df1d8a7a24a91fa79aecf58721c9fb11250",
        "Created": "2022-01-26T13:30:06.035450274+01:00",
        "Scope": "local",
        "Driver": "bridge",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": {},
            "Config": [
                    "Subnet": "",
                    "Gateway": ""
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": false,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": {
            "1db44ceb36e8500fe47e907196f23392219e46c4d4b4246a7a6431607212ef33": {
                "Name": "core-mediawiki-1",
                "EndpointID": "fa429f8daf17ca903a88c51213f828e261588f024e6da2d6c3bc1cd0184d2ab4",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:3a:05",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""
            "71e83dc2f6f2ee887de0995f52a050fe9f5ce77bc622ed9bfb58aaa385d5776c": {
                "Name": "minikube",
                "EndpointID": "640126a25a270fb71807308cf1af8377af4e2f6c3f54246e17bb297bb297379a",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:3a:02",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""
            "cae02884e78ec7c4e6090dcc452cdde1c5e840fbb7c2929d42cd6bad7ec9d8c9": {
                "Name": "core-mediawiki-jobrunner-1",
                "EndpointID": "82792dd0267ff1d1b134dfcf4498f3d4080b456f9a94607bc620816eefb911c6",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:3a:04",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""
            "ff33fc0cc0297eb80b99771378132e6f927e9ced8a8782b80cf8a25c2bfdc205": {
                "Name": "core-mediawiki-web-1",
                "EndpointID": "fab671c0eadb0584cd0117d1e0282d04e38179f5fca969670cbfd138f3c9c887",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:3a:03",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""

From inside any of these containers, we should be able to successfully ping the IPs of the others.

How to test?

  1. Go to mediawiki/core and run the mediawiki web containers with docker compose up -d
  2. Go to releng/local-charts and run the services on kubernetes:
  • minikube start
  • make deploy release=wikifunctions
  1. See function-orchestrator logs
  • eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
  • docker ps -a | grep node | grep function-*
  • docker logs <container name>
  1. Get IP and port of function orchestrator
  • minikube ip
  • kubectl get services
  1. Go to mediawiki/core/LocalSettings.php and make sure that the orchestrator path is correct:
  • $wgWikiLambdaOrchestratorLocation = '<MINIKUBE URL>:<PORT>';
  1. Go to API sandbox and make a call to wikilambda_function_call

Expected outcomes: * You should see logs being printed with the API call * The API Sandbox should receive a successful response

Things to solve:


Production TODO

  • [x] Create production services helm charts
  • [ ] Ask SRE to set up a service proxy for it
  • Rationale: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T244843
  • Proxies setup: operations/puppet.git:/hieradata/common/profile/services_proxy/envoy.yaml
  • [ ] Set wikifunctions-evaluator and wikifunctions-orchestrator hostnames/ips
  • mediawiki-config/wmf-config/ProductionServices.php:109
  • these are the common services for all clusters
  • Kubernetes: Add a new service:
  • https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes#Add_a_new_service
  • [ ] Service ports
  • Ensure the service has it's ports registered at: Service ports
  • https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes/Service_ports
  • [ ] Create deployemnt user/tokens in the puppet private and public repos
  • hieradata/common/profile/kubernetes/deployment_server.yaml edit profile::kubernetes::deployment_server::services

Overall steps for production deployment

  • [ ] Read https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes#Add_a_new_service
  • [ ] Register the public ports that your services will use in https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Service_ports
  • [ ] Use operations/deployment-charts/create_new_service.sh script to generate the chart(s) for your new service(s)
  • Follow instructions from the section above Create new service chart
  • Test your charts using minikube, kubectl and helm
    • Can use releng/local-charts to test
    • Add function orchestrator and function evaluator to values.yaml
    • Change mariadb repository URL (bitnami is a possibility)
    • Do make deploy -release=wikifunctions
    • FOllow instructions from the section above Test services using local-charts

Useful resources


TODO: Filter and order reference material TODO: Take reference material to a more generalist help document

Wikimedia clusters:


Beta Cluster:


Wikifunctions URL: https://wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Main_Pag

Cloud Services:


Accessing Cloud Services:

  • Created another ssh key with Key<> pass
  • Saved this key into .ssh/wikitech, Wikitech settings and Gerrit settings

Production services:


About Horizon


About Puppet

  • https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Puppet
  • Puppet is our configuration management system.
  • Puppet is not being used as a deployment system at Wikimedia
  • Public puppet repo https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/operations/puppet
  • Puppet hiera: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Puppet_Hiera
  • Configuration variables for puppet to be stored outside of manifests
  • Hiera is a powerful tool to decouple data from code in puppet.
  • Rules:
  • The code should be organized in modules, profiles and roles, where
    • Modules should be basic units of functionality (e.g. "set up, configure and run HHVM")
    • Profiles are collection of resources from modules that represent a high-level functionality ("a webserver able to serve mediawiki"),
    • Roles represent a collective function of one class of servers (e.g. "A mediawiki appserver for the API cluster")
    • Any node declaration must only include one role, invoked with the role function. No exceptions to this rule. If you need to include two roles in a node, that means that's another role including the two.
  • Puppet manifests
  • operations/puppet/manifests/site.pp

Charts Museum


Blubber and PipeLine


Starting point: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes General Kubernetes deployment documentation: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes/Deployments To deploy a new service documentation: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/1305/