![]() Estado da versão: estável |
Implementação | Marcação |
Descrição | Permite renderizar fórmulas matemáticas usando o MathJax com estilo matemática do MediaWiki |
Autor(es) | jmnote, vedmaka, jamesmontalvo3, badshah400 |
Última versão | 0.8.4 (2023-11-04) |
MediaWiki | 1.29+[1] |
Modifica o banco de dados |
Não |
Licença | Licença MIT |
Download | GitHub: Nota: README |
Exemplo | zetawiki.com |
Public wikis using | 909 (Ranked 270th) |
The SimpleMathJax extension enables MathJax, a JavaScript library, for typesetting TeX formula in MediaWiki inside math environments.
This extension will load resources from cdn.jsdelivr.net
on all wiki pages that have math or chem tags.
- Advantages
- Simple
- Lightweight
- UTF-8 Support
- Mobile View OK
- Setting Font Size
- chem tag support for chemistry
- additional inlineMath symbols pairs support
- MediaWiki Style! Look at the samples.
- Download e coloque o(s) arquivo(s) num diretório chamado
na sua pastaextensions/
. - Adicione o seguinte código ao final do seu arquivo LocalSettings.php :
wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleMathJax' );
- Se necessário, configure conforme sua conveniência.
Concluído – Navegue à página Special:Version em sua wiki para verificar se a instalação da extensão foi bem sucedida.
Or you can git clone.
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/jmnote/SimpleMathJax.git
If you want to use local MathJax scripts (and not a CDN), then you can use git clone recursive.
In most cases, CDN is much faster than your server.
However, a CDN may not be available if you have a hardened PHP installation due to disabled_functions
$ git clone --depth 1 --recursive --shallow-submodules https://github.com/jmnote/SimpleMathJax.git
SimpleMathJax is meant to be used as an alternative to the Math extension. If the Math extension is installed it may take precedence and cause SimpleMathJax to not work. The SimpleMathJax extension is the only thing you need to start rendering equations.
Parâmetros de configuração
The following variables can be defined in LocalSettings.php after calling wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleMathJax' );
. Note that for a simple site adding $wgSmjScale = 1.1;
might be all you need to make it Just Work™.
Version | Nome da configuração | Valor padrão | Descrição |
0.7.0+ | $wgSmjUseCdn | true
Using CDN or Local resource |
0.7.0+ | $wgSmjUseChem | true
enable <chem> tags( defaults to use chem tags ) |
0.8.0+ | $wgSmjEnableMenu | true
Make MathJax context menu available This setting is missed since 0.8.0; it would be a mistake |
0.8.0+ | $wgSmjExtraInlineMath | []
can add some additional inlineMath symbols pairs |
0.8.1+ | $wgSmjScale | 1
The default font size for SimpleMathJax |
0.7.4 | $wgSmjShowMathMenu | false | (removido) (replaced by $wgSmjEnableMenu) |
0.6.1 | $wgSmjSize | 110 | (removido) (replaced by $wgSmjScale) |
0.6.1 | $wgSmjInlineMath | [] | (removido) (replaced by $wgSmjExtraInlineMath) |
0.6.1 | $wgSmjDisableChem | false | (removido) (replaced by $wgSmjUseChem) |
0.6.1 | $wgSmjScripts | ['//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.2/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.2/extensions/TeX/mhchem.js'] |
(removido) (replaced by $wgSmjUseCDN) can use local or another remote scripts ( defaults to use cloudflare CDN ) |
0.6 | $wgSimpleMathJaxSize | 125 | (removido) (replaced by $wgSmjSize) |
0.6 | $wgSimpleMathJaxUseCDN | true | (removido) (replaced by $wgSmjScripts) |
0.6 | $wgSimpleMathInlineMath | [] | (removido) (replaced by $wgSmjInlineMath) |
If you want to change font size, set $wgSmjScale
like below.
wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleMathJax' );
$wgSmjScale = 1.5;
If you want to enable some additional inlineMath symbol pairs, set $wgSmjExtraInlineMath
like below.
wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleMathJax' );
$wgSmjExtraInlineMath = [ [ "$", "$" ], [ "\\(", "\\)" ] ];
If you want to use local module, set $wgSmjUseCdn
like below.
wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleMathJax' );
$wgSmjUseCdn = false;
SimpleMathJax and Live Preview (versions < 0.8.0)
Prior to version 0.8.0, the following had to be added to MediaWiki:Common.js in order to have the Live Preview in the editor show rendered math output instead of raw LaTeX source code:
function waitForMathJax($content) {
if (typeof MathJax === 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function () { waitForMathJax($content); }, 1000);
} else {
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, $content[0]]).execute();
- Comparação
- en:user:Jmkim dot com/TeX Samples (rendering with wikipedia math engines, English)
- ko:user:Jmkim dot com/TeX 샘플 (rendering with wikipedia math engines, Korean)
- http://zetawiki.com/wiki/TeX_샘플 (rendering with SimpleMathJax)
- Mais exemplos
- http://zetawiki.com/wiki/TeX_문법 (Gramática)
- http://zetawiki.com/wiki/TeX_행렬 (Matriz)
- http://zetawiki.com/wiki/TeX_특수문자 (Caracteres especiais)
- http://zetawiki.com/wiki/Mhchem_테스트 (chem tags)
Ver também
External links
![]() | Esta extensão está incluída nas seguintes fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) e/ou pacotes wiki: Esta não é uma lista autoritativa (oficial). Algumas fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) e/ou pacotes wiki podem conter esta extensão mesmo que não estejam listados aqui. Sempre verifique com suas fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) ou pacotes wiki para confirmar. |
- ↑ SimpleMathJax 0.8.0+ uses manifest_version 2. Manual:Extension.json/Schema