![]() Status wydania: stabilne |
Realizacja | Tożsamość użytkownika , Uprawnienia użytkownika , API |
Opis | Allow users to safely authorize another application ("consumer") to use the MediaWiki action API on their behalf. |
Autor(zy) | Aaron Schulz, Chris Steipp, Brad Jorsch, Robert Vogel, Dejan Savuljesku |
Ostatnia wersja | 1.1.0 (continuous updates) |
Polityka zgodności | Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master nie jest kompatybilny wstecznie. |
Zmiany w bazie danych | Tak |
Tabele | oauth_accepted_consumer oauth_registered_consumer |
Licencja | Licencja GNU General Public License 2.0 lub nowsza |
Pobieranie | |
Pomoc | Help:OAuth |
Quarterly downloads | 77 (Ranked 70th) |
Public wikis using | 982 (Ranked 246th) |
Przetłumacz rozszerzenie OAuth jeżeli jest dostępne na translatewiki.net | |
Rola Vagrant | oauth |
Problemy | Otwarte zadania · Zgłoś błąd |
The OAuth extension implements an OAuth server in MediaWiki that supports both the OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 protocol versions. It allows third party developers to securely develop applications ("consumers"), to which users can give a limited set of permissions ("grants"), so that the application can use the MediaWiki action API on the user's behalf.
- OAuth relies on the object cache for temporary tokens and sessions. This should work as long as cache configuration settings are sane. (Older versions required Memcached explicitly.)
- Currently, only MySQL and SQLite database backends are supported
- If the MediaWiki installation is private (i.e. users need to log in to have read access), Special:OAuth will need to be added to the white list.
- Pobierz i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie
w folderzeextensions/
Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/OAuth - Tylko w przypadku instalacji z repozytorium git należy uruchomić Composer, aby zainstalować zależności PHP, poprzez wywołanie
composer install --no-dev
w katalogu rozszerzenia. (Zobacz T173141 w celu uzyskania informacji o możliwych komplikacjach.) - Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
wfLoadExtension( 'OAuth' );
- Uruchom skrypt aktualizujący, który automatycznie stworzy potrzebne tabele dla tego rozszerzenia.
- Configure the general parameters as required.
- Configure the user rights by putting them into the relevant groups in
. Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.
Instalacja Vagranta:
- Jeżeli korzystasz z Vagrant a, zainstaluj poprzez
vagrant roles enable oauth --provision
To assign a permission to some group, for example to sysops, you add following line to LocalSettings.php
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['mwoauthproposeconsumer'] = true;
Variable name | Default value | Description |
Wiki ID of OAuth management wiki. On wiki farms, it makes sense to set this to a wiki that acts as a portal site, is dedicated to management, or just handles login/authentication. It can, however, be set to any wiki in the farm. For single-wiki sites or farms where each wiki manages consumers separately, it should be left as false .
(przestarzałe) Use $wgMWOAuthSharedUserSource instead
Whether shared global user IDs are stored in the oauth tables.
On wiki farms with a central authentication system (with integer user IDs) that share a single OAuth management wiki, this must be set to true.
If wikis have a central authentication system but have their own OAuth management, then this can be either |
Central ID provider when sharing OAuth credentials over a wiki farm
Source of shared user IDs, if enabled. If CentralIdLookup is available, this is the $providerId for CentralIdLookup::factory(). Generally null would be what you want, to use the default provider. If that class is not available or the named provider is not found, this is passed to the OAuthGetUserNamesFromCentralIds, OAuthGetLocalUserFromCentralId, OAuthGetCentralIdFromLocalUser, OAuthGetCentralIdFromUserName hooks. This has no effect if $wgMWOAuthSharedUserIDs is set to false. |
2 592 000 (30 days)
Seconds after which an idle request for a new Consumer is marked as "expired" |
Require SSL/TLS for returning Consumer and user secrets. This is required by RFC 5849, however if a wiki wants to use OAuth, but doesn't support SSL, this option makes this configuration possible. This should be set to true for most production settings. |
A secret configuration string (random 32-bit string generated using "base64_encode(random_bytes(32))") used to hmac the database-stored secret to produce the shared secrets for Consumers. This provides some protection against an attacker reading the values out of the consumer table (the attacker would also need $wgOAuthSecretKey to generate valid secrets), and some protection against potential weaknesses in the secret generation. If this string is compromised, the site should generate a new $wgOAuthSecretKey, which will invalidate Consumer authorizations that use HMAC/shared secret signatures instead of public/private keys. Consumers can regenerate their new shared secret by using the "Reset the secret key to a new value" option under Special:MWOAuthConsumerRegistration/update. If null, the value is set to $wgSecretKey. |
The list of user groups which should be notified about new consumer proposals. Setting this will only have an effect when Echo is installed. |
List of API module classes to disable when OAuth is used for the request |
Prevent write activity to the database. When this is set, consumers cannot be added or updated, and new authorizations are prohibited. Authorization headers for existing authorizations will continue to work. Useful for migrating database tables |
The storage mechanism for session data. If null, it defaults to $wgSessionCacheType. |
Allows automatic immediate approval of low-risk apps. In the form of [ 'grants' => [ 'grant1', 'grant2', ... ] ]
List of OAuth2 grants that client applications can be allowed to use. Actual grants client application will be allowed to use can be any subset of grants listed here. Grants, other than the ones listed here, are considered legacy grants, and are not supported by this extension |
Private key or a path to the private key used to sign OAuth2 JWT being transmitted. See the OAuth 2.0 Server documentation for how to generate the keys. |
Public key or a path to the public key used to verify OAuth2 resource requests. |
Controls whether clients are required to send code challenges with OAuth2 requests. This only applies to non-confidential clients. |
"PT1H" (1 hour)
Controls validity period for access tokens (stored in the cache configured in MWOAuthSessionCacheType). Does not apply to owner-only clients, whose access tokens are always non-expiring. Accepts ISO 8601 durations or can be set to "infinity" or false for non-expiring tokens. |
"P1M" (1 month)
Controls validity period for refresh tokens (stored in the cache configured in MWOAuthSessionCacheType). Accepts ISO 8601 durations or can be set to "infinity" or false for non-expiring tokens. |
User rights
Right | Description |
mwoauthproposeconsumer |
Proponowanie nowych konsumentów OAuth |
mwoauthupdateownconsumer |
Aktualizowanie kontrolowanych konsumentów OAuth |
mwoauthmanageconsumer |
Zarządzanie konsumentami OAuth |
mwoauthsuppress |
Utajnianie konsumentów OAuth |
mwoauthviewsuppressed |
Podgląd utajnionych konsumentów OAuth |
mwoauthviewprivate |
Podgląd prywatnych danych OAuth |
mwoauthmanagemygrants |
Zarządzanie uprawnieniami OAuth |
OAuth 2.0 REST endpoints
The following REST endpoints are provided for OAuth 2.0 interaction
Path | Description | Allowed parameters | Allowed method | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/oauth2/authorize | Used for retrieving authorization code when using authorization_code grant. |
GET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/oauth2/access_token | Used for requesting access tokens |
POST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/oauth2/resource/{{type}} | Used for retrieving protected resources using the access token issued previously.
Currently, two resource types can be retrieved using this endpoint, by replacing
No parameters are allowed, apart from the {{type}} parameter that is included in the path
GET/POST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/oauth2/client | Lists OAuth 1.0a or 2.0 clients for the logged-in user. Authentication can be achieved over CentralAuth or by including an access token in the authorization header.
GET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/oauth2/client/{client_key}/reset_secret | Resets a client secret. For owner-only clients, this endpoint also resets the access token.
POST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/oauth2/client | Creates an OAuth 2.0 client.
Zobacz też
- Rozszerzenie:OATHAuth - A similarly named extension which implements a second authentication factor using OATH-based one-time passwords.
- Extension:WSOAuth – A MediaWiki extension that lets your wiki delegate authentication to any OAuth provider using PluggableAuth, including a wiki that is running Extension:OAuth.
- oauthclient-php – A client library for OAuth consumers.
![]() | To rozszerzenie jest wykorzystywane przez jeden lub więcej projektów Wikimedia. Oznacza to prawdopodobnie, że to rozszerzenie jest stabilne i działa wystarczająco dobrze, aby wykorzystywać je na stronach o dużym natężeniu ruchu. Odnajdź nazwę tego rozszerzenia w plikach konfiguracyjnych Wikimedia CommonSettings.php oraz InitialiseSettings.php, aby zobaczyć gdzie są zainstalowane. Pełną listę rozszerzeń zainstalowanych na określonej wiki można znaleźć na stronie Special:Version na danej wiki. |
![]() | To rozszerzenie jest dołączone do następujących farm/hostów wiki lub pakietów: To nie jest pełna lista. Niektóre farmy/hosty wiki lub pakiety mogą zawierać to rozszerzenie nawet jeśli nie są one tutaj wymienione. Zawsze sprawdzaj swoje farmy/hosty wiki, aby to potwierdzić. |
- Stable extensions/pl
- User identity extensions/pl
- User rights extensions/pl
- API extensions/pl
- GPL licensed extensions/pl
- Extensions in Wikimedia version control/pl
- Extensions which add rights/pl
- AbuseFilter-builder extensions/pl
- AbuseFilter-computeVariable extensions/pl
- AbuseFilter-generateUserVars extensions/pl
- ApiRsdServiceApis extensions/pl
- BeforeCreateEchoEvent extensions/pl
- ChangeTagCanCreate extensions/pl
- ChangeTagsListActive extensions/pl
- GetPreferences extensions/pl
- ListDefinedTags extensions/pl
- LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates extensions/pl
- LoginFormValidErrorMessages extensions/pl
- MergeAccountFromTo extensions/pl
- MessagesPreLoad extensions/pl
- SetupAfterCache extensions/pl
- SpecialPageAfterExecute extensions/pl
- SpecialPageBeforeFormDisplay extensions/pl
- SpecialPage initList extensions/pl
- TestCanonicalRedirect extensions/pl
- All extensions/pl
- Extensions requiring Composer with git/pl
- Extensions used on Wikimedia/pl
- Extensions included in Miraheze/pl
- Extensions included in MyWikis/pl
- Extensions included in ProWiki/pl
- Extensions included in wiki.gg/pl
- Extensions included in WikiForge/pl