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From mediawiki.org
\documentclass{standalone} %standalone doesn't support aling environment, but that is redefined anyway
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb} %standard
\usepackage{cancel} %already in use, however in MathJax \cancel \cancelto get more spacing than in LaTeX
\usepackage{eurosym} %already in use, for \euro\geneuro\geneuronarrow\geneurowide\officialeuro, in MathJax they look the same
\usepackage[greek,english]{babel} %needed for teubner
\usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} %already in use, for chemistry
\usepackage{teubner} %already in use, for \copper\Copper\Digamma etc.

%%% redefining align environments for use in inline equations

%%% problematic texvc definitions
%redefining % -> \% and $ -> \$ would involve changing the character code of these characters
\renewcommand{\and}{\land} %redefining a basic TeX primitive like this is a bad idea, this redefinition would cause the normal align environment to fail
%\renewcommand{\or}{\lor} %see above, when uncommented, this redefinition causes teubner to fail
\providecommand{\ang}{\angle} %this conflicts with siunitx
\providecommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} %this conflicts with puenc.def from hyperref package
\renewcommand{\H}{\mathbb{H}} %this conflicts with text command \H{0} which is ő
\renewcommand{\pagecolor}[1]{\iffalse just ignore #1 \fi}

%%% make Angström command \AA upright

%%% prevent warning of \Bbb, \bold (amsfonts required)

%%% make \LaTeX and \TeX \officialeuro usable in math mode

%%% prevent warning when using \O, \textvisiblespace math mode

%%% Greek letters identical to Latin 

\newcommand\omicron{\mathrm{ο}} %this is defined upright in texvc, but should be italic

%%% make teubner usable in math mode
\newcommand\varcoppa{\mbox{\textbackslash coppa}} %wtf?

%%% cards shortcuts

%%% custom texvc definitions