![]() | The following documentation is the output of Special: |
- This module requires read rights.
- This module requires write rights.
- This module only accepts POST requests.
- Source: GlobalBlocking
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Globally block or unblock a user.
- id
ID of the global block to modify or unblock (obtained through list=globalblocks). Cannot be used together with target.
- Type: integer
- target
The target IP address or username. Cannot be used together with id.
- Type: user, by any of username, IP, Temporary user and IP range
- expiry
If specified, will block or reblock the user. Determines how long the block will last for, e.g. "5 months" or "2 weeks". If set to "infinite" or "indefinite" the block will never expire.
- Type: expiry (details)
- unblock
If specified, will unblock the user.
- Type: boolean (details)
- reason
The reason for blocking/unblocking.
- This parameter is required.
- anononly
Specify this if the block should only affect logged-out users globally.
- Type: boolean (details)
- allow-account-creation
Specify this if the global block should not prevent account creation.
- Type: boolean (details)
- enable-autoblock
Specify this if the global block should trigger global autoblocks.
- Type: boolean (details)
- modify
Specify this if the existing block on the target should be modified
- Type: boolean (details)
- alsolocal
Block the user locally as well. Cannot be used together with id.
- Type: boolean (details)
- localblockstalk
Revoke talk page access locally. Cannot be used together with id.
- Type: boolean (details)
- localblocksemail
Revoke email access locally. Cannot be used together with id.
- Type: boolean (details)
- localanononly
Specify this if the block should only affect logged-out users locally. Cannot be used together with id.
- Type: boolean (details)
- local-allow-account-creation
Specify this if the local block should not prevent account creation. Cannot be used together with id.
- Type: boolean (details)
- token
A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
- This parameter is required.
- Block indefinitely with reason "Cross-wiki abuse"
- api.php?action=globalblock&target= [open in sandbox]
![]() | The following documentation is the output of Special: |
list=globalblocks (bg)
- This module requires read rights.
- Source: GlobalBlocking
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
List all globally blocked IP addresses.
- bgstart
The timestamp to start enumerating from.
- Type: timestamp (allowed formats)
- bgend
The timestamp to stop enumerating at.
- Type: timestamp (allowed formats)
- bgdir
In which direction to enumerate:
- One of the following values: newer, older
- Default: older
- bgids
Pipe-separated list of block IDs to list.
- Type: list of integers
- Separate values with | or alternative.
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- bgaddresses
- Deprecated.
Pipe-separated list of IP addresses to search for.
- Separate values with | or alternative.
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- bgtargets
Pipe-separated list of usernames, IP addresses, or IP ranges to search for. To search for IP blocks inside a given range, use bgip instead.
- Separate values with | or alternative.
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- bgip
Get all blocks applying to this IP address or CIDR range, including range blocks. Cannot be used together with bgaddresses or bgtargets. CIDR ranges broader than /16 are not accepted.
- bglimit
The maximum amount of blocks to list.
- Type: integer or max
- The value must be between 1 and 500.
- Default: 10
- bgprop
Which properties to get.
- id
- Adds the ID of the global block.
- address
- Deprecated. Adds the target of the global block. This is deprecated and has been replaced by the 'target' prop.
- target
- Adds the target of the global block.
- by
- Adds the username of the blocking user, along with the wiki where they performed the global block.
- timestamp
- Adds the timestamp of when the global block was given.
- expiry
- Adds the timestamp of when the global block expires.
- reason
- Adds the reason given for the global block.
- range
- Adds the range of IP addresses affected by the global block (not included if the block does not target IP addresses).
- Values (separate with | or alternative): by, expiry, id, range, reason, target, timestamp, address
- Default: id|target|by|timestamp|expiry|reason
- List all global blocks
- api.php?action=query&list=globalblocks [open in sandbox]
- List global blocks applying to IP address
- api.php?action=query&list=globalblocks&bgip= [open in sandbox]