![]() | 現在、この拡張機能は積極的な保守が行われていません! それでも機能する可能性はありますが、バグ報告や機能の要望は無視される可能性が高くなります。 この拡張機能の開発や保守の作業を引き受けることに興味がある場合は、リポジトリの所有権を申請できます。 礼儀として、作者に問い合わせることをお勧めします。 保守を引き継いだ場合、このテンプレートは除去すべきです。また、拡張機能ページの {{Extension }} 基礎情報ボックス内のリストにあなたの名前を保守担当者として追加してください。 |
![]() リリースの状態: 保守されていない |
![]() |
実装 | 特別ページ , 自分のウィキ |
説明 | 個人的に選択したページをコレクションとして整理し、編集、保存、オプションでPDF、ODF、DocBook(XML)として取得することができます。 |
作者 | |
最新バージョン | 1.8.0 |
互換性の方針 | MediaWiki とともにリリースされるスナップショット。 master には後方互換性がありません。 |
データベースの変更 | いいえ |
ライセンス | GNU 一般公衆利用許諾書 2.0 以降 |
ダウンロード | README |
例 | wiki.openoffice.org |
四半期ごとのダウンロード数 | 98 (Ranked 54th) |
使用中の公開ウィキ | 1,243 (Ranked 219th) |
translatewiki.net で翻訳を利用できる場合は、Collection 拡張機能の翻訳にご協力ください | |
問題点 | 未解決のタスク · バグを報告 |
Collection 拡張機能は、利用者が個人的に選択したページをコレクションとして整理できるようにします。 Collections can be:
- edited and structured using chapters
- persisted, loaded and shared
- ordered as a printed book at https://pediapress.com/
See the press release Wikis Go Printable for more information on the original project.
Documentation & Support
The Collection extension uses the Proton service to do most of its heavy lifting. It used OCG before.
You can use the IRC channel #wikimedia-services 接続 to get in touch with developers.
Use the MediaWiki-extensions-Collection
project in Phabricator in order to report bugs.
A detailed guide on how to prepare your wiki (templates, help pages, categories) if you setup the extension is available at meta.wikimedia.org.
There is a screencast demoing the basic functionality available at YouTube (in German) (2:45 minutes).
Creating cross-wiki article collections
The OCG service supported this, but the Collection extension does not (yet — patches welcome!).
You can use the low-level mw-ocg-bundler
and mw-ocg-latexer
tools to create cross-wiki collections, or use https://pediapress.com/collection/ for this purpose, see ticket 408.
- ダウンロードして、ファイルを
開発者とコード寄稿者は、上記の代わりに以下を使用してGitからインストールします:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/Collection - 以下のコードを LocalSettings.php ファイルの末尾に追加します:
wfLoadExtension( 'Collection' );
- Configure the extension as required
完了 – ウィキの「Special:Version」に移動して、拡張機能が正しくインストールされたことを確認します。
Please also read the included README for detailed configuration instructions of the extension. If you use MediaWiki 1.4.1 you have to use the following Command:
cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/Collection --branch REL1_41
- Local render server (OCG)
Installing a development instance contains the most up-to-date documentation.
- Generating PDFs, OpenDocument- & DocBook-Exports
It's easy to enable PDF (ODF, DocBook) support with this extension. It is configured by default to use the server https://tools.pediapress.com/. Therefore (low traffic) sites that are accessible from the internet don't need to install their own PDF server. Steps:
- Simply install and configure the Collection extension using the default value
(see README of the Collection extension for instructions) and make sure the MediaWiki API (api.php
) is enabled on your MediaWiki installation. - Some users report that installing PDFtk is necessary.
No installation of Python, ReportLab, mwlib etc. required! Note however, that in order to use this service, your wiki must be accessible from the internet and must be either accessible for non-logged-in users or login credentials must be configured (see README for instructions).
Have a look at the Solar system, example article from the English language Wikipedia, rendered as PDF using this technology.
Advanced and optional configuration
Most wikis will never need to know about what follows. Check the main PHP file to see all the global variables you can configure and their meaning. Some of them are useful to tweak the export in many cases.
Print on demand
Since version 1.6 the extension offers the variable $wgCollectionPODPartners
that is used to define available providers of the print-on-demand service.
By default it uses PediaPress service:
$wgCollectionPODPartners = [
'pediapress' => [
'name' => 'PediaPress',
'url' => 'http://pediapress.com/',
'posturl' => 'http://pediapress.com/api/collections/',
'infopagetitle' => 'coll-order_info_article'
It is an array of elements, every of them will be listed as a possible print-on-demand provider. The parameters are:
- name
- short name of the provider
- url
- URL to point for more information if there is no information page
- posturl
- URL of the actual printing web service
- infopagetitle
- MediaWiki system message name (as visible in the MediaWiki: namespace) that contains page title of the page that will be used to shortly describe the provider. The default (for PediaPress) is MediaWiki:Coll-order info article, which defaults to PediaPress order information. If this page exists, it is used to display information about PediaPress book printing service.
It is also possible to disable print on demand altogether by setting:
$wgCollectionPODPartners = false;
Please see T35536 for more information about this feature.
You can also configure which file formats are available:
$wgCollectionFormats = [
'rl' => 'PDF', # enabled by default
'odf' => 'ODT',
'docbook' => 'DocBook XML',
'xhtml' => 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional',
'epub' => 'e-book (EPUB)',
'zim' => 'Kiwix (OpenZIM)',
See README for more configuration options.
User rights for saving books
To allow users to save books in both their user space and the community space, add the following lines to your LocalSettings.php
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['collectionsaveascommunitypage'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['collectionsaveasuserpage'] = true;
Add the links at another place
If you want to add the links at another place, e.g. in the menu "Personal Tools", you can do that by adding them into the according portlet.
For example, in the Vector skin you can do that by adding to the file skins/Vector.php
so that it looks like this:
<h3><?php $this->msg( 'personaltools' ) ?></h3>
<ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
$personalTools = $this->getPersonalTools();
/* Links to create a PDF file/a book start */
if ( class_exists('CollectionHooks') ) {
$collectionURLs = CollectionHooks::getPortlet($this->getSkin());
if ( $collectionURLs !== false ) {
/* Put the links of the Collection extension below the last item. */
$personalTools += $collectionURLs;
/* Links to create a PDF file/a book end */
foreach ( $personalTools as $key => $item ) {
echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
You can still modify the order of the links in the portlet by modifying $personalTools directly before the foreach loop is executed.
The above implementation has the drawback, that the two newly inserted links do not show their tooltip. A solution for that is still outstanding and would be greatly appreciated.
Setting book prefix
To change the default prefix for book name edit the message MediaWiki:Coll-community book prefix.
Recent versions store rendered "books" in a cache. Collections which have been previously exported by users should be available for download almost immediately, rather than after several minutes of rendering; the cached version can be updated by following a link offered in the download page.
Printed Books with PediaPress

PediaPress is a service that offers printed books based from wiki content. This service is seamlessly integrated in this extension (can be disabled).
- PDF export — summary of all PDF export extensions
- Bookshelf — Combines wiki pages to create books and also to export them as PDF
![]() | この拡張機能は 1 つ以上のウィキメディアのプロジェクトで使用されています。 これはおそらく、この拡張機能が安定していて高いトラフィックのウェブサイトでも十分に動作することを意味します。 この拡張機能がインストールされている場所を確認するには、ウィキメディアの設定ファイル CommonSettings.php および InitialiseSettings.php 内で、この拡張機能の名前を探してください。 特定のウィキにインストールされている拡張機能の完全な一覧は、そのウィキの Special:Version ページにあります。 |
![]() | この拡張機能は以下のウィキ ファーム/ウィキ ホスト/パッケージに含まれています: これは正式な一覧ではありません。 一部のウィキ ファーム/ウィキ ホスト/パッケージは、ここに記載されていなくてもこの拡張機能を含んでいる場合があります。 必ずご利用のウィキ ファーム、ウィキ ホスト、バンドルで確認してください。 |
- Unmaintained extensions/ja
- Special page extensions/ja
- Personalization extensions/ja
- GPL licensed extensions/ja
- Extensions in Wikimedia version control/ja
- OutputPageCheckLastModified extensions/ja
- SidebarBeforeOutput extensions/ja
- SiteNoticeAfter extensions/ja
- All extensions/ja
- Extensions used on Wikimedia/ja
- Extensions included in Canasta/ja
- Extensions included in MyWikis/ja
- Extensions included in ProWiki/ja
- Extensions included in WikiForge/ja
- PDF extensions/ja