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EMWCon Spring 2019/Dokit Approach to Turn MediaWiki Into a Packaged Product to Create User Manuals

From mediawiki.org
Dokit Approach to Turn MediaWiki Into a Packaged Product to Create User Manuals

Presenter     Clément Flipo
Event Enterprise MediaWiki Conference (EMWCon) Spring 2019
Length 30 minutes

Thank you everyone for listening. Here are the links to the extensions I have presented:

  • Image Annotator: an extension to add an image editor in mediawiki with PageForm
  • TranslateTagsInVE: an extension to automatically add the < translate > tags in the VEForPageForms.
  • AutoSetPageLang: an extension to set automatically the page lang attribute at page creation, using current language of user wich create the page (among other features).
  • FlaggedRevsUtils: To be released
  • Comment Streams: To be released (well actually, it's just improvements of the existing Comment Streams Extension.
  • BookPage: To be released

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