Analytics/Research and Data/2014-15 Goals
Q1: Jul - Sep 2014
[edit]Primary goal
[edit]- standardize baseline metrics
- define key organizational metrics (aka the Editor Model) and apply them to product team goals/instrumentation:
- Growth
- Mobile
- #343 - support mobile metric goal setting
- #409 New Active Editor / Surviving New Active Editor baselines for mobile
- #343 - support mobile metric goal setting
- VE
- MultiMedia
- define key project-level participation and content metrics:
- Daily unique editors
- #416 Daily unique page creators (no breakdown)
- #417 Daily unique media creators (no breakdown)
- #423 - Daily edits
- #421 - Daily pages created (no breakdown)
- #422 - Daily media created (no breakdown)
- make significant progress on reader metric definitions:
- Page views
- Unique clients
- #373 - LUCID scheme
- #373 - LUCID scheme
- define key organizational metrics (aka the Editor Model) and apply them to product team goals/instrumentation:
(italicized items are stretch goals as they have dependencies that we'll be able to assess throughout Q1, see the full list of metrics on Meta)
Secondary goals
[edit]- topical research
- anonymous acquisition (Growth)
- Task suggestions (Growth)
- mobile app adoption/traffic and participation trends (Mobile)
- predictive models of editor activation/survival
- #344 Update revert data for enwiki @ beyond
Done for enwiki
- #344 Update revert data for enwiki @ beyond
Staffing and team process
[edit]- process & strategy
- uplevel team process (prioritization sprints, project management)
- finetune operating model (consulting vs embedded)
- push on horizontal integration with other research teams (UX, grantmaking)
- staffing
- F/T fundraising research analyst on-board (new hire)
- start recruiting for traffic research analyst position
- aggregation/anonymization of traffic data (external collaboration)
- topic extraction (contractor, depending on availability)
Q2: Oct - Dec 2014
[edit]- Top Q2 departmental priorities
* Increase mobile web contributions and mobile app readership
** Make editing faster
- Readership *
- Finalize the new pageview definition, incorporating feedback from the first draft
- Deliver a unique client definition and implementation proposal
- Generate reports on readership trends from historical data, based on the new pageview definitions
- Generate recurrent reports of session-based metrics (uniques, pv/sessions, sessions/user) for the Mobile Apps team
- Start recruiting traffic researcher
- Mobile microcontributions *
- Instrumentation, experimental design and evaluation strategy for mobile microcontributions
- Analysis of data collected from the first rollout of microcontributions on the beta site
- Background analysis of knowledge gaps suitable for microcontributions
- Performance **
- Run a test on the impact of HHVM on newcomer engagement
- Analyze the performance of editing interfaces
- Fundraising
- Support the team with the annual fundraiser push
- Formal collaborations
- start formal collaborations with external researchers under NDAs
- Analytics Dev support
- provide breakdown definitions (method/target site) for Vital Signs metrics
- Product consulting
- support other product areas (pending prioritization)
Q3: Jan - Mar 2015
[edit]- Top Q3 departmental priorities
* Release and test two new reader-targeted contribution features on the mobile web: WikiGrok and Collections
- Services
- Prototype revscoring service
- Prototype other services to support mobile products (stretch)
- Reporting pipeline
- Finalize Unique Clients implementation requirements
- Support the Dev team with the productization of Page Views reports
- Continued responsibility for ad hoc traffic analysis and reports
- Mobile *
- Continue research support to WikiGrok and microcontributions
- Research support for Project Gather (aka Collections)
- Fundraising
- Develop method for A/B testing with sampled data (stretch)
- Develop proposal to run FR as a minimization problem
- Formal collaborations
- Wrap up first research project with Stanford (Improving linking structure)
- Kick off second research project with Stanford (Increasing article coverage)
- Process
- Continue to provide ad hoc support to other teams, pending prioritization
- Continue work with Team Practices on team process and iterations
Q4: Apr - Jun 2015
[edit]Goals dependent on review and discussion of Product team initiatives