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Actor migration/ko

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Actor migration and the translation is 21% complete.

Historically, MediaWiki has stored references to users (such as the author of a revision or an image) as an [<id>, <name>] pair, with [0, <IP address>] for anonymous edits. 이것은 저장 공간의 낭비였으며, 수많은 수정으로 위키에서 성능 문제를 일으켰고, 사용자 이름을 변경하거나 $ 1와 같은 새로운 유형의 작가들을 소개하는 것이 매우 어려웠습니다. MediaWiki 1.31 introduces the concept of actors (someone who makes an action, such as an edit or a log event; currently either a registered user or an anonymous one), and a migration process towards a new database schema, with fields like revision.rev_user and revision.rev_user_text replaced by fields like revision.rev_actor. Due to the huge size of the English Wikipedia revision table, which had be fully migrated before the changes can be cleaned up, the migration was done gradually, over several MediaWiki releases. It finished in MediaWiki 1.39.

The migration created a actor table record for every distinct *_user / *_user_text pair, and replaced those pairs with a reference to the actor row ID. The following columns were migrated:

Old columns 새로운 열
revision rev_user, rev_user_text rev_actor
archive ar_user, ar_user_text ar_actor
ipblocks ipb_by, ipb_by_text ipb_by_actor
image img_user, img_user_text img_actor
oldimage oi_user, oi_user_text oi_actor
filearchive fa_user, fa_user_text fa_actor
recentchanges rc_user, rc_user_text rc_actor
logging log_user, log_user_text log_actor

To avoid a costly ALTER TABLE on the extremely huge revision tables of large Wikipedia wikis, rev_user and rev_user_text were initially copied to the revision_actor_temp table and from there back to revision. The revision_actor_temp table was dropped afterwards.

If you are a wiki owner, you probably don't need to do anything; the migration will happen automatically when you run update.php. 마이그레이션이 일어나는 시기를 제어하려면 $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage migrateActors.php 유지 관리 스크립트를 참조하십시오.

If you are an extension developer, and your extension does direct DB access to some of the affected fields, you'll need to update your queries (and ideally use the getQueryInfo() methods, such as Revision::getQueryInfo(), instead of manually constructing your query). During the migration period, you can also use the ActorMigration class to get schema/field information that respects any $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage settings.

If you are a tool developer using Toolforge , there might be performance implications, even if you don't use any of the affected fields directly. See wikitech:News/Actor storage changes on the Wiki Replicas for additional information.