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User:Dan Shick (WMDE)/Drafts/Translate-snippet

From mediawiki.org
This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.


This wiki has the Translate extension installed. With it the users of this wiki can translate pages for other employees.

Editing pages already marked for translation[edit]

When you edit a page that has already been marked for translation, you will find a number of extra tags in the page source that look something like this:


Any edits made to a page with these tags must keep the tags intact. These tags separate the aforementioned segments. Part of a translated page might look something like this:

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
As above, so below.

When a translate tag begins, it's "opened" with "< >". In the middle of a document, segments are marked within a translate tag with automatically generated numbered tags, as seen above; when a tagged area comes to an end, it's "closed" with "</ >".

When editing the text in a segment, make sure to leave the tags intact:

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Even a broken bulb is bright twice a day.
As above, so below.

If you delete a segment, delete its associated tag as well:

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
As above, so below.

If you add text, you'll need to close the existing "translate" tag and start a new one:

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
As above, so below.
A stitch in time saves nine.

How to get pages translated[edit]

Write the page[edit]

First create the page and its contents. Before you embark on the translation step, it's best to have the page in as complete a state as possible, to avoid the volunteer translators having to make constant updates to the translation.

Inform a translation admin[edit]

Once your page is ready for translation, it must be prepared and marked for translation. The best and easiest way to accomplish these steps is to ask a translation admin to do both tasks.

Source language[edit]

The GS-Wiki presumes any new page is written in German. If you write a page in another language, inform the translation admins of its proper source language.

Preparing a page for translation[edit]

In order for a page to be translated, the text needs to be marked up with special tags. These tags surround text that should be translated and break it up into "segments" for volunteer translators to work on. Translation admins typically perform this task. Curious and proactive individuals can check out the Translate extension help pages for more info.

Translate a page[edit]

Once a page is marked for translation, and when marked pages get edited, segments become "outdated" or a translation becomes incomplete. Volunteer translators need to go in once again and translate the new or changed text.

You can be a translator! Just go to this special page and begin translating segments in any language you speak fluently.