Topic on Project:Support desk

Upgrade from 1.25: actor table missing error

Subfader (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to upgrade from MW 1.25 (yes…) to 1.41.1 and I get this error on the database tables upgrade (web frontend):

...index page_name_title already set on page table.
...skipping: index change_tag_rc_tag_id doesn't exist.
Converting djvu metadata...
An error occurred:
Error 1146: Table '' doesn't exist
Function: RefreshImageMetadata::execute
Query: SELECT  img_name,img_size,img_width,img_height,img_metadata,img_bits,img_media_type,img_major_mime,img_minor_mime,img_timestamp,img_sha1,img_actor,image_actor.actor_user AS `img_user`,image_actor.actor_name AS `img_user_text`,comment_img_description.comment_text AS `img_description_text`,comment_img_description.comment_data AS `img_description_data`,comment_img_description.comment_id AS `img_description_cid`,img_metadata  FROM `image` JOIN `actor` `image_actor` ON ((actor_id=img_actor)) JOIN `comment` `comment_img_description` ON ((comment_img_description.comment_id = img_description_id))   WHERE img_major_mime = 'image' AND img_media_type = 'OFFICE'  ORDER BY img_name ASC LIMIT 1  

What can I do? The script doesn't create the table.

Subfader (talkcontribs)

I created it myself according to the Gerrit change. And all the other errors like img_actor, img_description_id, missing PRIMARY KEY on templatelinks etc.

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