Topic on Project:Support desk

Internal links showing redirect destination, how to disable?

Summary by JeremiPlazas

That worked for anyone who's wondering. The DisplayTitle extension ends up by default following the redirects for internal links. If you don't want this behavior, for 1.39 and up you need to set

$wgDisplayTitleFollowRedirects = false;

Thanks for the help!

JeremiPlazas (talkcontribs)

Hi all,

We've just upgraded our wikis from 1.35 to 1.39. I've noticed that internal links now behave differently.

Let's say we have a page containing a person's information: People/Patrul Rinpoche

We have some redirects setup for that page including the page: Patrul Rinpoche

Now when referencing that page on other pages, we'd like to just write: [[Patrul Rinpoche]] and have it stay that way, showing the link without the People/ part. But it automatically changes the text of the link to People/Patrul Rinpoche.

Any way to prevent that behavior?

Thanks in advance!

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

That's odd. That is not something mediawiki does. Do you have any extensions installed that might affect that. (E.g. maybe displaytitle extension might affect that, not sure)

JeremiPlazas (talkcontribs)

Oh interesting. It happened recently, we assumed it was core but it was maybe one of the extension updates that did it. Thanks!

JeremiPlazas (talkcontribs)

That worked for anyone who's wondering. The DisplayTitle extension ends up by default following the redirects for internal links. If you don't want this behavior, for 1.39 and up you need to set

$wgDisplayTitleFollowRedirects = false;

Thanks for the help!