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Topic on Extension talk:LiquidThreads

[RESOLVED] Edit/History/Delete on top of each other (paragraph inserted)

Summary by Nemo bis
Bgschaid (talkcontribs)

I just upgraded a Wiki to 1.21.1 and installed LiquidThreads 2.0 on top of that (so I don't know if the problem occurs with earlier mediawiki-versions).

The threads seem to work fine. The only problem seems to be that p-tags seem to be inserted between the [ and the Edit/History etc button. No idea at which level this happens: MediaWiki/the plugin/the Skin.

Any hints?

Bgschaid (talkcontribs)

Mystery solved: it's not the extension. It's the ParseBeforeTidy-hook recommended for Project Honeypot

Nemo bis (talkcontribs)

Nice. Have you filed a bug or otherwise reported it to them?

Bgschaid (talkcontribs)

Wouldn't know where to report it. Added the hook according to this recipie. From my limited understanding of PHP this is harmless enough. My theory is that one step after that hook inserts the p-tags. And I don't want to remove all the Extensions to make sure whether it is the Mediawiki-engine, one of the extensions or the skin (talkcontribs)

i did't understand how you solved it (talkcontribs)

could you post more precisely how you did it?

Bgschaid (talkcontribs)
Nemo bis (talkcontribs)

HoneyPot is not among the recommended methods anyway, as far as I know (if someone has positive experiences with it, please share on that page's talk). I added a warning there.

Bgschaid (talkcontribs)

Sorry for the duplicate answer. When I had entered the first message it was not visible. Then I entered the second copy and when I didn't see that I gave up