MediaWiki Mobilgerät-Freundlich machen

This page is a translated version of the page Making MediaWiki Mobile Friendly and the translation is 28% complete.

Diese Seite soll bekannte Probleme mit MediaWiki-Seiten (inklusive Wikipedia), wenn sie über die MobileFrontend Erweiterung angezeigt werden, identifizieren und Lösungsansätze aufzeigen. As common inline styling problems are discovered they will be listed here with a suggested way of fixing them. Bekannte Seiten, die das Problem aufweisen, werden irgendwann auf dieser Seite verlinkt werden.

Jede Hilfe, die du einbringen kannst, um diese Probleme zu lesen, ist sehr willkommen.

Diese Seite wird beobachtet. Solltest du etwas finden, was auf der mobilen Seite nicht korrekt dargestellt wird, dann halte es bitte hier fest. Als Gemeinschaft werden wir uns auf eine Lösung verständigen, betroffene Seiten sammeln und sie gemeinsam verbessern.

Zweispaltige Layouts

Problem: Certain pages (mostly portals) have two column layouts which do not work on mobile

Cause: These tend to be caused by inline styles in one of the following forms

float:left; width:60%

float:left; width:51%;

float:right; width:48%

float:right; width:48%

Resolution: Replace inline styles with generic two column layout classes (on English Wikipedia: portal-column-left-wide, portal-column-left, portal-column-right, portal-column-right-narrow) so stylesheets can feature rules to deal with these on smaller screens

Beispiele: Portal:Missouri

Pages effected:

List of Problematic portal pages with two column layouts

Use of column-count

Problem: Certain pages have reference/note pages that appear squashed on mobile

Cause: These pages make use of the column-count css property.

Resolution: We should introduce a class in the affected wiki's MediaWiki:Common.css that provides this column-count property rather than placing it in an inline style (see here). We should then cleanup articles to use this class instead (e.g. column-count:4; is replaced by use of class .column-count-4).

Is not making use of column-width instead of column-count a better solution? Siehe auch: MediaWiki talk:Common.css/Archive 14#Column-count usage across Wikipedia.

TheDJ (talk) 20:51, 5 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Beispiele: N/A

Pages effected:

List of Problematic pages with multi column lists

Template for broken style

Please copy this section to record a new problem above.

insert image here

Problem: Explain the image above outlining what the problem is

Cause: Explain what styling is causing this problem.

put sample code here

Resolution: Describe a resolution to the problem

Examples: link to a fix in the diff

Pages effected: This should link to a list of articles that are effected by the problem. Lists can be generated by downloading a dump of latest articles and grepping for pattern