User:Smalyshev (WMF)/Countries and States



Get administrative subdivisions of certain country with their: label, flag and wikipedia page.

SELECT REDUCED ?id ?idLabel 
	   (SAMPLE(?flagImg) as ?flagImg)
	   (SAMPLE(?page) as ?page)
  # Configurable parameters: 
  # ?country is a country
  BIND(wd:Q30 as ?country)
  # ?types is administrative subdivisions we seek for this country
  VALUES ?types { wd:Q34876 wd:Q7275 }
  # No serviceable parts beyond this point
  # Located in the administrative territorial entity of the whole country, but not sub-entity
  ?id wdt:P131 ?country .
  # We want it to be of this type in a country, and have a capital
  FILTER EXISTS { ?id (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) ?types ;
                          wdt:P17 ?country . }
  # Excluding the country itself
  FILTER(?id != ?country)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P41 ?flagImg }
      ?page schema:about ?id .
      ?page schema:isPartOf <> .
} GROUP BY ?id ?idLabel

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Regional Capitals[edit]

Get capitals of the administrative subdivisions of given country, with: label, population, location, image and wikipedia page. Note that one administrative entity can have more than one capital (rare, but happens)

       (SAMPLE(?location) as ?location)
       (SAMPLE(?image) as ?image)
       (SAMPLE(?population) as ?population)
       (SAMPLE(?page) as ?page)
  # Configurable parameters: 
  # ?country is a country
  BIND(wd:Q258 as ?country)
  # ?types is administrative subdivisions we seek for this country
  VALUES ?types { wd:Q34876 wd:Q7275 }
  # No serviceable parts beyond this point
  # Located in the administrative territorial entity of the whole country, but not sub-entity
  ?region wdt:P131 ?country .
  # We want it to be of this type in a country, and have a capital
  FILTER EXISTS { ?region (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) ?types ;
                          wdt:P17 ?country . }
  # Excluding the country itself
  FILTER(?region != ?country)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
  ?region wdt:P36 ?id .
  ?id wdt:P625 ?location .
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P18 ?image }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1082 ?population }
      ?page schema:about ?id .
      ?page schema:isPartOf <> .
} GROUP BY ?id ?idLabel

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Get countries that given country borders, with their: label, flag image, and Wikipedia page. The result includes the country itself.

SELECT REDUCED ?id ?idLabel 
	   (SAMPLE(?flagImg) as ?flagImg)
	   (SAMPLE(?page) as ?page)
  # Configurable parameters: 
  # ?country is a country
  BIND(wd:Q258 as ?country)
  # No serviceable parts beyond this point
  ?country wdt:P47? ?id .
  # exclude former countries
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q3024240 }
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?id wdt:P576 ?date }
  FILTER EXISTS { ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q6256 }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P41 ?flagImg }
      ?page schema:about ?id .
      ?page schema:isPartOf <> .
} GROUP BY ?id ?idLabel

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Neighboring capitals[edit]

Capitals of this and neighboring countries. Note that country can have more than one capital (rare but happens).

       (SAMPLE(?location) as ?location)
       (SAMPLE(?image) as ?image)
       (SAMPLE(?population) as ?population)
       (SAMPLE(?page) as ?page)
  # Configurable parameters: 
  # ?country is a country
  BIND(wd:Q183 as ?country)
  # No serviceable parts beyond this point
  ?country wdt:P47? ?idObj .
  # exclude former countries
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?idObj wdt:P31 wd:Q3024240 }
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?idObj wdt:P576 ?date }
  FILTER EXISTS { ?idObj wdt:P31 wd:Q6256 }
  ?idObj wdt:P36 ?id .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
  ?id wdt:P625 ?location .
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P18 ?image }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1082 ?population }
      ?page schema:about ?id .
      ?page schema:isPartOf <> .
} GROUP BY ?id ?idLabel

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Population by year[edit]

Population of a given place by year. Each year will have only one population figure.

SELECT (MAX(?population) as ?population) ?year WHERE {
    # set the item here - e.g. city, country
	BIND(wd:Q84 as ?item)
    ?item p:P1082 ?popstatement .
    ?popstatement ps:P1082 ?population .
      ?popstatement pq:P585 ?date .
      BIND(year(?date) as ?year)
} GROUP BY ?year ORDER BY DESC(?year)

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