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[1.16] 1054: Unknown column 'user_options' in 'field list' (localhost)

5 (talkcontribs)

When a visitor go create an account on my wiki the following error appear:
"User::addToDatabase". The database returned the error "1054: Unknown column 'user_options' in 'field list' (localhost)".
Version 1.16, anyone know how to fix? (talkcontribs)

In your database you have a table called "users" and in that table the column"user_options" is missing.

Try running the file maintenance/update.php from the command line. This script can update your database; however, I do not know if it will add this column in your situation.

JElberfeld~mediawikiwiki (talkcontribs)

I have 6 wikis on SiteGround, my host. Five I succesfully upgraded from 1.17 to 1.20. The sixth had the message: Fatal error: Call to undefined method MediaWiki::getVal() in /home/albanyh9/public_html/wikiBio/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.hooks.php on line 55

SO.. SiteGround restored my previous version of the wiki and it shows as v. 1.17.0. All looked good until I tried to add a user. Then I got: A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "User::addToDatabase". Database returned error "1054: Unknown column 'user_options' in 'field list' (localhost)".

This may or may not be a new problem, as I have not tried to add a user in several months.

Because I have several wikis, I could compare fields in a working wiki with the non-working wiki, and the USER table fields are identical, and 'user-options' is NOT found in either the working or non-working USER table. The list goes from user_newtalk to user_properties in both wikis.

Updating the database to v 1.2 did NOT work - (Siteground sends me to a utility called Softaculous to do upgrades - it thinks I am upgraded to v 1.2 so I can't try to upgrade again.)

Any and all suggestions are well. I need details as I have no idea how, or if I am allowed, to do command line things on my wikis. SiteGround has declared it a database problem and not within their scope of responsibility as the host of the site. Thanks, John JElberfeld@aol.com

Any and all suggestions are welcome

This post was posted by JElberfeld~mediawikiwiki, but signed as JElberfeld. (talkcontribs)

You have several problems:

To get more information about the database error, add $wgShowSQLErrors=true; to LocalSettings.php and reproduce the error. (The column "user_options" is not there since MediaWiki 1.16 I think. So if you started this wiki with 1.17, you never had it in the DB. My guess is that you have an extension installed, which tries to use this column. Or with other words: This extension -at least the version you use- is not compatible with MW 1.17 and newer.)

For your upgrade: Uninstall the extension InputBox (or do an update, if a version for MediaWiki 1.20 is available). Then run the Update script again.

JElberfeld~mediawikiwiki (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the help. I "commented out" the line in LocalSettings.php that installed the InputBox extension. Then I had to pay SiteGround to upgrade the site to v 1.2 because of complications with the installation utility, Softaculous. The problem with create a new user disappeared. Everything seems to work in the upgraded version. Thank you. John

This post was posted by JElberfeld~mediawikiwiki, but signed as JElberfeld.

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