Topic on Extension talk:LDAP Authentication

LDAP auth doesn't work with MobileFrontend

3 (talkcontribs)

Got the problem, that LDAPauth works but with MobileFrontend Extension not. DesktopView works, also StandardAuth (not LDAP). Any thoughts? I switched on '$wgLDAPDebug = 4;' - tells me this:

Any help is appreciated

- Jens

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

Is this the debug log from a not-working mobile user? What about a working one?

Do you have your mobile users on a different domain like "m.wikisite" ?? Would it be possible to share the url of your wiki?

Ltsavar (talkcontribs)

I've the same problem. The debug.log from jens is the not working one. So with MobileFrontend on there is no way to choose the domain and the debug.log sayes "Setting domain as: invaliddomain"

Any Idea what to do?

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