Topic on Extension talk:Header Tabs

Header tabs don't show when ads appear on webkit browsers

Acnetj (talkcontribs)

Other hidden tabs don't show up when ads appear (which appears when user is not logged in) on webkit browers (Chrome & Safari). That problem doesn't appear on browers with other rendering engines (Firefox, Seamonkey, IE).


Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

I'm looking at the main page, logged out, in both Chrome and Safari, and it looks the same to me in both browsers. What are the "hidden tabs"?

Acnetj (talkcontribs)

What happened was that only the first tab shows but not the other tabs. I used the Windows version of the Safari, which is older. The latest Chrome for Windows somehow doesn't have that issue either.

Acnetj (talkcontribs)

This is what I got from the inspection element report:

Exception thrown by ext.headertabs: Cannot read property 'length' of null load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scripts&skin=monobook&version=20140311…:151
message: "Cannot read property 'length' of null"
stack: (...)
get stack: function () { [native code] }
set stack: function () { [native code] }
__proto__: Error
Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

If the problem is only in older browsers, then it's of course not as big a deal. What version of Safari for Windows are you using? Is there a newer version?

Acnetj (talkcontribs)

That's the latest version (Safari 5.1.7) for Windows. I think the Mac version is newer.

Acnetj (talkcontribs)

It doesn't work on version 6.0.4 for macs. Only the first tab shows but not rest of the tabs.

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

That's strange... the tabs show up correctly for me with the same exact browser (Safari 5.1.7 for Windows). I'm logged out on the wiki - do you see the same problem when you're logged out?

Acnetj (talkcontribs)

This bug is very random. Some computer with those browse may show fine, but some will have problems. Sometimes after clearing cache would show those errors or disappear suddenly.

Acnetj (talkcontribs)

Found out that the single tab appears when the web site doesn't have www before the domain name, but all tabs appear with www. Right now I can add www to any entry but that shouldn't be an issue.

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

Aha. I assume that there's somehow a difference between the set of JS and/or CSS files that show up for the two different URLs, but I don't know more than that.

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