Topic on Extension talk:Collection

Lieutenant S. Reznov (talkcontribs)

I just installed this extension and had to uninstall it because the POD feature cannot actually be disabled. It claims to be disabled, yet when you click "Preview with PediaPress," POD is fully enabled.

This is absolutely unacceptable for wikis with unofficial derivative work, such as Sturmkrieg or The Vault (I was going to recommend it to them, as a way for users to make strategy guides for the Fallout games.) that are required to be completely noncommercial.

If you don't want to disable POD, then please just say so. Don't use under the table methods to try to sneak in an extra buck.

I am really hoping that this was just an oversight in the development, and that you will fully remove the POD feature in the POD disabled setting.

This post was posted by Lieutenant S. Reznov, but signed as Inquisitor Ehrenstein. (talkcontribs)

The above is wrong. With current versions of the extension deactivating the POD feature works just as expected. Remember that this company with no means is forced to provide this extension publicly at all and remember that they are earning money with the POD feature. If I were you, instead of griping about I would be grateful that they offer this great tool.

Lieutenant S. Reznov (talkcontribs)

I realize it was a little over the top to react that way. It was a big surprise though once I implemented it with it looking like the commercial aspect was removed when by chance I decided to test it, and it wasn't.

This post was posted by Lieutenant S. Reznov, but signed as Inquisitor Ehrenstein.

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