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Content translation/Deployments/Deployment Plan/Current Status/Archive October2014

From mediawiki.org



31/10/2014 (Friday)


30/10/2014 (Thursday)

  • aperitum-apy is updated on Beta. Puppet doesn't update to new package version and this has to be done manually (ie in Beta, Kartik has to do this. Production, Ops will take care upon request).
  • Discussion with Alex regarding moving CX to production. Carved out story #4637 for that.

29/10/2014 (Wednesday)


23/10/2014 (Thursday)

  • Package of new apertium-apy based on co-ordination with upstream. See, db error we got on Log at, http://pastebin.com/6060q4Cy
  • Log at deployment-apertium instance is at, /var/log/upstart/apertium-apy.log (No longer in /var/log/apertium/)

21/10/2014 (Tuesday)


20/10/2014 (Monday)

  • All packages are merged.
  • Apertium puppet and CXServer puppet patches are updated.
  • Testing of Apertium puppet patch on deployment-apertium.
  • Created new instance: deployment-apertium02
  • Apertium Puppet patch merged by Alex.
  • Created proxy for Apertium instance: apertium-beta.wmflabs.org

1710/2014 (Friday)

  • Updated apertium-apy package (Use default port)
  • Updated Apertium puppet patch based on Alex's reviews.
  • All packages except apertium-apy are built and installed on apt.wikimedia.org
  • CXServer patches are merged (See updates of 14/10)

15/10/2014 (Wednesday)

  • More packages reviewed and merged by Alex.
  • Followup on other pending patches and updates.

14/10/2014 (Tuesday)


13/10/2014 (Monday)


10/10/2014 (Friday)


09/10/2014 (Thursday)


08/10/2014 (Wednesday)


07/10/2014 (Tuesday)

  • Packaging:
    • apertium-en-es (with tests from David's ticket to upstream)

06/10/2014 (Monday)


02/10/2014 (Thursday)


01/10/2014 (Wednesday)

  • Followup for CXServer Beta continue.
  • Co-ordination with Apertium upstream for apertium-lex-tools issue(s). Fixed.
  • Pushed apertium-lex-tools to Debian and Gerrit.
  • Updated packages for minor issues.
  • Followup on ca-es issues, packages will be updated after upstream declares fix.