User:Ursdestiny/installing Wikipedia on Server 2003


I am posting a tutorial for installing Wikipedia on Server 2003 using wamp and mediwiki for lan access.

I hope its useful.


== Wikipedia Installation == ==[edit]

1. Install Wamp (Windows-apache-MySql-PHP) server

2. Create a DB user on MySql

   a.	Go to PHPMyAdmin
   b.	Click privileges
   c.	Add a new user
     i.	Username: wikiuser
    ii.	Host: Localhost
   iii.	Password: xxxxxx
    iv.	Generate password: click the generate button
     v.	Global privileges: All unchecked
   d.	Click Go
   e.	On confirmation page click edit the user to for the section “Database-Specific privileges”
   f.	Set Dropdown to “ Use text field”
   g.	Enter “wikidb” and click Go
   h.	Check all and click Go

Install Mediawiki[edit]

1. Unpack the mediawiki to a new folder (wiki) created in the www in the Wamp folder

2. Type: http://localhost/wiki in your browser and you reach “setup the wiki first” page

3. Follow the link and you will get a “Site Config.” page

   a.	Wiki Name: Wikipedia
   b.	Password: xxxxxx
   c.	Database Host: localhost
   d.	Database Name: wikidb
   e.	DB username: wikiuser
   f.	DB password: same password used when creating MySql user

4. Leave the rest default and click install mediawiki.

5. Go to- wamp root\www\wiki\config\ and copy LocalSettings.php to wamp root\www\wiki\

== Download and Install dumps of Wikipedia ==

1. Download the latest Wikipedia dumps from Wikimedia website

2. Extract the file

3. Download XML2SQL

4. Run XML2SQL giving the extracted file with following options:

   a.	Output format – mysqlimport
   b.	Option Full revision

5. Go to MySql console and type source filename.sql for both pages and text files

6. For importing revision table run the following sql command:

   a.	Alter table Revision Drop Column rev_len, drop column rev_parent_id;
   b.	Source revision.sql;
   c.	Alter table revision
        Add column rev_len INT (10)
        UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL AFTER rev_deleted,
        Add column rev_parent_id INT (10)

7. In cmd type: (path)\Php.exe (path-maintenance folder of wiki)\ rebuild.php

== Tweaking Wiki ==

1. Get the following file cite.php and Parser Function.php

2. Add the two lines to LocalSettings.php

  Require_once (“$IP/extensions/parserfunctions/ParserFunction.php”);
  Require_once (“$IP/extensions/cite/cite.php”);
  The setup is now complete but the search is slow.

Installing Sphinx[edit]

1. Extract to a Folder

2. Rename the “” to “sphinx.conf”

3. Set the following code in the file

source src_wiki_main


   type = mysql
   sql_host = localhost
   sql_user = wikiuser
   sql_pass = xxxxxx
   sql_db = wikidb
   sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
   sql_query = SELECT page_id, page_title, page_namespace, old_id, old_text FROM page, revision, text WHERE rev_id=page_latest AND old_id=rev_text_id
   sql_attr_uint = page_namespace
   sql_attr_uint = old_id

   sql_query_info = SELECT page_title, page_namespace FROM page WHERE page_id=$id


source src_wiki_incremental : src_wiki_main


   sql_query = SELECT page_id, page_title, page_namespace, old_id, old_text FROM page, revision, text WHERE rev_id=page_latest AND old_id=rev_text_id AND page_touched>=DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y%m%d070000')


index wikipedia


   source = src_wiki_main
   path = C:\Sphinx\data\wikipedia
   docinfo = extern
   morphology = stem_en
   min_word_len = 1
   charset_type = utf-8
   charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F


index wiki_incremental : wikipedia


   path = C:\Sphinx\data\wikipediastemmed
   source = src_wiki_incremental




   mem_limit = 64M




   #address =
   port = 3312
   log = C:\Sphinx\data\log\searchd.log
   query_log = C:\Sphinx\data\log\query.log
   read_timeout = 5
   max_children = 30
   pid_file = C:\Sphinx\data\log\
   max_matches = 1000


4. Go to Command prompt and set sphinx as the working directory

5. Run the command: bin/indexer –-config sphinx.conf

6. Wait

7. After indexing has completed Run the command: bin/searchd –install –-config sphinx.conf