User:Rogerhc/Teflchina upgrade MW 1.16.1 to 1.18.1


Upgrade done on 2012-02-24.

SSH into the server[edit]


cd public_html

Backup files[edit]

tar the teflchina dir but copy it to teflchina.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1 first so the tar will gracefully unpack later without stepping on existing teflchinaorg dir!

cp -a teflchinaorg teflchinaorg.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1

tar -czvf teflchinaorg.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1.tgz teflchinaorg.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1

Get the new MediaWiki 1.18.1 parts in order[edit]

Get the new MediaWiki files and copy in -a (so datestamps, permissions, etc are preserved) teflchina's

  • LocalSettings.php
  • images
  • .htaccess
  • robots.txt
w get

("wget" munged to "w get" in these notes so I can save this page w/o 406) 

tar -xzvf mediawiki-1.18.1.tar.gz

cp -a teflchinaorg/LocalSettings.php mediawiki-1.18.1/.

cp -a teflchinaorg/robots.txt mediawiki-1.18.1/.

cp -a teflchinaorg/.htaccess mediawiki-1.18.1/.

cp -a teflchinaorg/images mediawiki-1.18.1/.

Edit LocalSettings.php to be happy with new MW[edit]

Edit LocalSettings.php so BadBehavior extension is not called (we are using QuestyCaptcha instead), and check for other extensions that we may disable for now, such as DynamicPageList extension (outputs a bulleted list of the most recent items residing in a category, or an intersection of several categories).

cp -a LocalSettings.php LocalSettings.php---2012.02.24.MW-1.16.1

vim LocalSettings.php

Chmod 600 LocalSettings* (if they are not already that way; we do not want others reading our database user password!)

Among other things edited in LocalSettings, note this to got badlogin captcha trigger working (or not, it may only be triggering 5 minute timeout, but I don't know why):

## Shared memory settings
#$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
# Roger 24 Feb 2012 change to CACH_DB so that 'badlogin' would trigger 
# ConfirmEdit and $wgPasswordAttemptThrottle
# See
# and$wgPasswordAttemptThrottle
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_DB;

Consider merging edited LocalSettings.php into new LocalSettings.php from, say, where I have a MediaWiki 1.18.1 newly created version of LocalSettings.php. It may be good to do this carefully, later.

P A U S E . . . . . . . H E R E[edit]

This is a good place to take a break

The next part takes the new wiki live

Once we start the next part, we want to finish and comb out bugs

Freeze wiki[edit]

Set wiki read only in LocalSettings

Check that no images have been uploaded since we got images dir above (and get it again now if they have)

Backup database[edit]

To backup the database we dump it into a .sql file and give that a helpful name:

mysqldump -p -u roger -h localhost tcdb > roger_tcdb.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1.sql

roger_tcdb.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1.sql is the database backup.

To restore to this backup, if necessary we could do:

mysql -p -u roger -h localhost roger_tcdb < roger_tcdb.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1.sql 

(where "localhost" is the MySQL host, database user is "roger" and "roger_tcdb" is the database name and "roger_tcdb.2012-02-24.MW-1.16.1.sql" the backup we want to replace it with)

Updated that database to MediaWiki 1.18.1 compatibility[edit]

~/public_html/teflchinaorg/maintenance]# php update.php