Topic on Talk:OAuth/For Developers

Unable to get an access token

Dmytrodruppov (talkcontribs)

Could help to understand the issue? I am using this endpoint to get an access token and providing client id and client secret


"error": "access_denied",

"error_description": "The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.",

"hint": "Client 4ab9e80d07a34633cdeab291fd8ead6a is not usable by user with ID 0",

"message": "The resource owner or authorization server denied the request."


Iluvatar (talkcontribs)

Подождите, ведь все ваши клиенты являются owner-only. Вы при регистрации клиента получили вечный токен. Больше ничего делать не надо. Просто подставляйте к запросам заголовок {"Authorization": "Bearer [token]"}. Да и в любом случае, никакого client_credentials=client_credentials в руководстве вообще нет.

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