Topic on Skin talk:Medik

Hb1290 (talkcontribs)

Hi. I've noticed while on our wiki today that a substantial whitespace is now appearing below the footer of shorter pages. IDK what's going on, but I've determined it's not our custom stylesheets because the problem was still apparent when I tried safemode. Currently assuming it's a bug with the skin itself. Example page:

Slepi (talkcontribs)

Hi, thanks for reporting this. I'm not sure it's a Medik bug: Monobook does the same on your wiki. Maybe some incompatibility of CSS's or ads? But I'll explore it further certainly.

Hb1290 (talkcontribs)

Hi. A member of our Discord managed to crack the problem. He was able to fix it using "firstHeading::before {position:fixed;}"

I found that "firstHeading::before {display:none;}" also solved it.