Topic on Extension talk:OAuth2 Client

Are these a problem?

AManWithNoPlan (talkcontribs)

Using the client I see these in the logs

mod_fastcgi.c.487) FastCGI-stderr:PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$key in /public_html/vendor/mediawiki/oauthclient/src/Client.php on line 181

mod_fastcgi.c.487) FastCGI-stderr:PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$secret in /public_html/vendor/mediawiki/oauthclient/src/Client.php on line 181

Is this something to be concerned about or is the code just missing the at symbol in front of a $return->key and $return->secret?

AManWithNoPlan (talkcontribs)

Reported to correct page.

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