Topic on Extension talk:Cite

Use a cite template across multiple pages

Sera denoir (talkcontribs)

I don't know that this is a bug, a feature request, or me not knowing what I'm doing. Use case is this:

My wiki hosts a number of documents related to court proceedings. Most are standard formats, but one is unique. I'm using a cite note for that format to explain to users what they need to read the file (for example, see the FTR cite at this link court(dot) raindrop(dot)works/wiki/21CR61225#Media - you'll have to copy/paste because of the link spam warning)

Any case that I'm working on that has this file type will have the same cite. I know there's a way to cite the same material multiple times in the same page, but is there a way to do the same across multiple pages?

Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

People on Wikipedia sometimes do this with templates that can be used in as many references as needed. Here is an example. When used in wikitext it looks like this:

<ref name="Iranica">{{Encyclopaedia Iranica}}</ref>
Sera denoir (talkcontribs)

Thanks .. it looks like that'll work. I'm going to have to dig more into it to make sure I set it up right, but it does seem like a usable option!

Sera denoir (talkcontribs)

Yep, I was able to get it to work!

And now that I'm learning more about how the ref tags work, seems I don't even have to name it (which since it's only likely going to be used once per page, might make sense)

Ancheta Wis (talkcontribs)

In the wiki article, the named ref could be thus, with a unique name, say aPmm2 in camelCase <ref name= aPmm2 >AuthorName [ThisIsTheURL (dateHere) This is the Title] More information here.</ref>

And when you cite aPmm2 again, use Here is another sentence.<ref name= aPmm2 />

Additional information can be added using the rp template:Here is a third sentence.<ref name= aPmm2 />{{rp| page 2}}

The real use of aPmm2 occurred in

You would have to transclude the definition of named ref aPmm2 to each of your target articles.

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