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Topic on User talk:ArielGlenn/Emacs as a PHP IDE

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

I used to have a nice setup using codesniffer and psalm using flymake, but for *reasons*, I stopped using it. And I used to have lsp-mode with psalm's language server.

But bitrot has taken over so when I worked on restoring it recently I ran into some frustrations.

Anyway, I'm gonna try your set up. It seems like it should be possible to start the indexing from the command line.

ArielGlenn (talkcontribs)

Added Psalm to the lsp server list, thanks!

I've no idea about codesniffer, I've ben meaning to ask my "onboarding buddy" about that, heh :-)

Let me know what you find out with treemacs/flymake/some-other-lsp-server-maybe-Serenata. Since you are a regular PHP/IDE user, you'll have a more clearly defined set of needs and be able to see things that need fixing.

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

Well, I'm a PHP user. I toyed with lsp/ide/fly* bit in emacs enough to know that I like it.

btw, how much memory does your system have? I have "only" 16G but the indexing finished without stopping.

ArielGlenn (talkcontribs)

16GB but i have a hog firefox, pidgin, docker running, mariadb and httpd for local dumps testing, etc...

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

Interesting. I have something similar. But who knows.

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

And, actually, I'm not sure I used psalm in LSP or in flycheck. I know I used it in fly* to help with tidying up my code and what not. And codesniffer slaps your wrist (using fly*) to remind you to adhere to MW code standards.

ArielGlenn (talkcontribs)

Yeah I want to figure out a good setup for codesniffer, I see the update emails regularly but never had a need to use it until now.

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