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Topic on Talk:Who Wrote That?

First post!! :) Is it possible to add more languages?

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

I see it's available only on English, German, Basque, Turkish, or Spanish, and it uses information from an external service.

I took a quick look at the services' websites and couldn't find how to add support for more languages, but maybe I didn't search that well.

So, is it possible?

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)
Julle (talkcontribs)

Yes, I can't test it properly yet in my normal workflows because it's not available on my home wiki, but I would love it to be. A scenario I think would be great if it could be avoided would be if wikis have to opt in, and then don't realise they can (or don't understand the point at the time), and two years down the road individual editors on other wikis realise this exists in English but have no idea how to get it to their own wikis.

-revi (talkcontribs)

Yet another +1 for the more languages.

IFried (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hello, everyone! I just touched on this same topic in the section entitled "Wow!" (so check it out for details). Here's the shortened version: We're currently limited to the wikis supported by the WhoColor API (i.e., English, German, Basque, Turkish, and Spanish Wikipedia). However, we're conducting an investigation to examine options to expand accessibility. As a team, we would love to see the tool expanded in the future, if time and resources permit. For more information on this topic, you can check out Who Wrote That?#Current Limitations of the Tool. Thanks!

Ijon (talkcontribs)

@IFried (WMF), who is in charge of considering extending the WhoColor implementation into additional languages? Or has a decision already been made? It's been a while, and it is a pity this tool is only available to these 4-5 communities.

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