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Topic on Extension talk:Attachments

Have the 'Attachments' tab at the top as a seperate page

MavropaliasG (talkcontribs)

Hi, will this allow me to have attachments in specific pages, instead of the "Main" namespace?

Also, would it be possible (or is it planned) to have that 'attachments' tab at the top as a seperate section of a page, similar to how the 'Discussion' button takes you a new page of an article?

Moreover, are the files going to be displayed as they are now, or they could be more organised using a file browser (similar to this extension )? (or by maybe using this? Extension:FileList )

Essentially I want to have each page have a 'files' tab that will act like a file repository with a file browser, with write access only for the creator of the page.

Thank you.

Gittenburg (talkcontribs)


The attachments are attached to specific pages. You can enable the extension on a namespace by namespace basis.

  • This extension was designed for having attachments your users care about (hence they are displayed on the same page).
  • The extension was also designed for having many attachments on one page (hence the compact column layout).
  • The extension displays files, subpages and links together in the same list, sorted alphabetically.

Restricting access to the creator will not be implemented because MediaWiki also does not support it as it goes against the collaborative nature of a wiki.

This extension unfortunately does not cover your use case, I'll update the introduction to make the intended use case more clear.

You could try:

  • the Extension:VisualEditor which allows easily embedding files with "Insert -> Media"
  • MoinMoin Wiki, which supports attachments out of the box and displays them in a separate page

Good luck!

MavropaliasG (talkcontribs)

Thank you very much! And thank you for making the extension :)

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