Topic on Extension talk:ProtectionIndicator

Jon Harald Søby (talkcontribs)

Hi Sohom data! I'm trying to translate the new messages added today on Translatewiki, but find myself unable to do so. In this message: This page is cascading "$2" protected until "$3". The "$1" is right are required to "$2" this page. the $2 parameter, which seems to be a verb won't really work there. I would suggest splitting the message into different messages for each action (there's only "edit" and "move", right?). Also, the quotation marks around the time ($3) are unnecessary.

Sohom Datta (talkcontribs)

Okay, it's not only, edit and move... for a standard wiki, there is edit, move, create and upload, and also whatever other custom actions are defined by other extensions one may have installed/configurational changes one may have made. I'll try and make the changes you asked asap.

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