Topic on Extension talk:MsCatSelect

SMW semantic search #ask conflict

Michele.Fella (talkcontribs)

NOTE: This extension at the time of writing will cause used within SMW semantic search to be removed from your query as it will be considered a declaration of the page category rather than a condition. I am sure this will be fixed.

Johnywhy (talkcontribs)


Emmanuel Touvier (talkcontribs)

Still not fixed, but you can patch the extension to make it work with #ask:

In the file MsCatSelect.php modify the pattern declaration (line 74)


$pattern = "\[\[({$categoryNamespace}):([^\|\]]*)(\|[^\|\]]*)?\]\]";


$pattern = "(?<!#ask:)\[\[({$categoryNamespace}):([^\|\]]*)(\|[^\|\]]*)?\]\]";

This way the extension skips all category patterns directly preceded with #ask:

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