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Topic on User talk:Brooke Vibber/Compacting the revision table round 2

Anomie (talkcontribs)
CREATE INDEX /*i*/rev_timestamp ON /*_*/revision (rev_timestamp); -- is this used directly? looks bogus

It's used by ApiQueryAllRevisions. I don't know if anything else uses it, but it looks like it has been in there since 2004 or earlier.

CREATE INDEX /*i*/page_user_timestamp ON /*_*/revision (rev_page,rev_user,rev_timestamp); -- what is this for? seems weird

It looks like it was added for T12788: Filter page histories by user, or contributions by title. While that task seems to not have gone anywhere since, ApiQueryRevisions does use the index for the rvuser parameter. ApiQueryContributors might use a prefix on it too.

Brooke Vibber (talkcontribs)

Fun... those might be good candidates for summary table, depending on whether Jaime thinks that'll be a help.

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