Topic on Talk:Structured Discussions

How do I indent an reply to a particular post?

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Is see that people have maganged to actually indent their reply to a particular post within a flow thread. However when I click on reply I end up at the initial level.

He7d3r (talkcontribs)

For posts already saved, there is no way to change the indentation. See phab:T78253.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Thanks for noting this. From my past experience with LQT is was quite rarely necessary to relocate a post. So in my opinion not a front burner thing to have if at all.

Sänger (talkcontribs)

This answer to the original post, that should be in the same indentation level as all other answers to the original post, is in another level, while my answer to a post down the thread, that should be one more level indented, as it's an answer to an answer, looks like it's on the same level as the original post.

You've got to plan this indentation for real discussions, not for simple two-post threads. If it's not capable of working something like a real discussion with several dozens of posts, diverse sub-threads, it's useless. It's definitely not a proper replacement of a real talk page. It's just one more step in the facebookisation, read dumbing down, of the WP.

Edith says: This looks like an answer to He7d3r, while it's an answer to Kghbln, because the indentation is fucked up.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

So why doesn't this post end up indented?

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Either I am too stupid which may very well be the case or I am missing something. Dunno if I should be sad or grumpy right now.

Sänger (talkcontribs)

Try to indent 1. level

Edith says: Didn't work as expected, was possible before. Something seems to have changed.

Sänger (talkcontribs)

And answer something in-between, let's see how this will be indented.

Edith says: This is at the proper indentation place, the other answers just look like answers to the original posting. definitely a bug.

He7d3r (talkcontribs)
Sänger (talkcontribs)
Next level indentation.
Trying the usual colon to indent, lets see what happens.

Edith says: Lines do indent, the post doesn't. The second line (scnr) was somehow more indented as I did this edit, dunno why.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Seems to be bug then. Let's wait for the fix. I production this would be a near fatal bug if one cannot move particular post to a new location like in LQT but even then. Have not figured out how to relocate posts yet. Probably a matter of user rights.

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)

See the clearest explanation at I CAN HAZ IDNETATION? - which I'll try to condense down into an FAQ sized answer, next week.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Ah, now I get it. I guess there is something to it. Since this is breaking with classic as well as LQT talk (10+ years of habit) it will imho indeed be very important to note this change quite prominently. If people do not know this they will definitively bang their heads against a wall like I did this morning. To cut it short: The issue is not how it will be done here, but telling people that it is done differently.

Hhhippo (talkcontribs)

Agreed. I like this indentation system, but it will only work if people understand what's going on, no matter which other systems they're used to. I suggested a very similar system half a year ago, including some visual clues telling the reader which way the conversation 'flows'. Maybe they can be implemented here?

Qdinar (talkcontribs)
Qdinar (talkcontribs)
Qdinar (talkcontribs)

there is a bug report page which asks about design: " With the new indentation model (T88501), should we make any visual design changes to the way indentation looks? " : phab:T88865 , - i have posted there about need of more informative labels.

Sänger (talkcontribs)

There is a difference between answering to the last post in a thread, like I do now, and answering the original post in this thread, and now this big difference is blurred methinks. Just have to test it with another answer to the original post.

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