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Conflict Between HHVM, Compact Personal Bar, and 'showBackendPerformance()' JavaScript Function

RandomDSdevel (talkcontribs)

Hey, has anybody else notice that, if you have both HHVM and the Compact Personal Bar activated in your 'Beta features' preferences and you've also copied the 'showBackendPerformance()' JavaScript function that makes MediaWiki show you both what PHP run-time environment was used to load the current page and how long it took, this script runs both outside and inside the Compact Personal Bar?

Jaredzimmerman (WMF) (talkcontribs)

While it would be great to fix this, it is a test script that won't be part of the final feature.

RandomDSdevel (talkcontribs)

OK, then; I can always go into Safari's Web Inspector to look at stuff like that anyway. Will there, however, perhaps still be a different way to see aggregate statistics collected from all users of instances of HHVM included as part of installations of MediaWiki in the software's final implementation of its use of HHVM?

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