Topic on Project:Support desk

cannot upgrade to 1.18 from 1.17 - APC issue

Liquid.fractal (talkcontribs)

Yesterday I tried to upgrade from 1.17 to 1.18. It wasn't 100% clear how to do this given that there was a warning not to install 1.18 over previous installs, so I downloaded 1.18, unpacked it to a new folder, deleted my old 1.17 (backing the folder up first) and copying all of 1.18 over to the wiki directory. Running the upgrade script got me this error:

CACHE_ACCEL requested but no suitable object cache is present. You may want to install APC.


  1. 0 [internal function]: ObjectCache::newAccelerator(Array)
  2. 1 /home/liquidfr/public_html/lf_wiki/includes/objectcache/ObjectCache.php(62): call_user_func('ObjectCache::ne...', Array)
  3. 2 /home/liquidfr/public_html/lf_wiki/includes/objectcache/ObjectCache.php(50): ObjectCache::newFromParams(Array)
  4. 3 /home/liquidfr/public_html/lf_wiki/includes/objectcache/ObjectCache.php(23): ObjectCache::newFromId(3)
  5. 4 /home/liquidfr/public_html/lf_wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(3600): ObjectCache::getInstance(3)
  6. 5 /home/liquidfr/public_html/lf_wiki/includes/Setup.php(402): wfGetMainCache()
  7. 6 /home/liquidfr/public_html/lf_wiki/includes/WebStart.php(157): require_once('/home/liquidfr/...')
  8. 7 /home/liquidfr/public_html/lf_wiki/index.php(53): require('/home/liquidfr/...')
  9. 8 {main}

I tried installing APC but as it turns out my VPS runs on something called suPHP and I need to change the handler, which I don't know enough about to be comfortable with. Can someone help me out here? Thanks! (talkcontribs)

Also seen when upgrading from mediawiki 1.17 to 1.18

With settings :

$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ACCEL; $wgMemCachedServers = array();

Liquid.fractal (talkcontribs)

Actually, my thanks to whoever replied to my post; I switched $wgMainCacheType to CACHE_ANYTHING and the upgrade worked fine.

Jedicraft (talkcontribs)

I had the same issue, and used the above fix and I was able to upgrade. However, once I restore the setting to $wgMainCacheType to CACHE_ACCEL, the problem comes back. Does setting $wgMainCacheType to CACHE_ANYTHING stop mediawiki from using the PHP accelerator? I have XCache 1.3.1 installed.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Yes, $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ACCEL; means use either APC, XCache or WinCache. If you don't actually have such a program installed, MediaWiki will error if you try to force it to use such a program. CACHE_ANYTHING means mediawiki will auto-detect what type of cache you have. If all else fails, it will cache things in the db (which might actually be slower then not caching stuff at all. The default config is to have $wgMainCacheType set to CACHE_NONE, but the parser cache and message cache [which cache expensive things] to use CACHE_ANYTHING)

Maiden taiwan (talkcontribs)

CACHE_ACCEL is documented as working with eAccelerator. However, I am getting this same error with eAccelerator installed, when this setup worked perfectly in 1.17.1. Was eAccelerator support dropped in 1.18? Maiden taiwan 14:32, 19 January 2012 (UTC)

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Its dropped in 1.19. However, certain versions of eAccelerator do not work with any version of MediaWiki. (talkcontribs)

try installing php-apc and restarting Apache. In Fedora, the package name is php-pecl-apc. (talkcontribs)

I have the same problem but APC is running! In apc_cache_info() i can see some files from other scripts. Why does Mediawiki doesnt find APC?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Please, do not ask new questions in old threads. Create a new thread and:

  • Provide the MediaWiki version you're using.
  • Paste the stack trace of the error (with $wgShowExceptionDetails enabled).
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