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Talk:Wikimedia Enterprise/Documentation

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Delay of public dumps

Mitar (talkcontribs)
RBrounley (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thank you @Mitar, must have been some type of error on the run. I made a phab ticket here to track.

LWyatt (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Delay of public dumps"
Mitar (talkcontribs)

Could "aspects" be documented better? What are possible values and what do they mean? "D.en"? "S"? "T"? Where do those links to additional entities come from in the first place?

LWyatt (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Sorry, but I’m not sure what you’re referring to. There isn’t a subheading called “aspects” and I can’t see the values you’ve mentioned. This page could do with updating though, and it’s likely that we will be creating and publishing much more elaborated usage documentation (either here on MediaWiki or on the project’s website itself) within the next few months as we release the next round of feature improvements. ~~~~

Mitar (talkcontribs)

In the JSON, additional_entities has aspects with some string values. Find it in the Data Dictionary section.

Mitar (talkcontribs)

The example on the documentation page itself, has string C.P1630. How can one know what does this string mean?

Protsack.stephan (talkcontribs)

We can for sure improve the docs to contain necessary info, that's something we are working on atm so feedback is highly appreciated. While we are working on docs update you can go here and click on wbentityusage link (`wbeuaspect` field), that will show you an explanation of those aspects.

Mitar (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the pointer, that was very helpful.

Let me see if I understand correctly. So a Wikipedia article can use (how?) multiple entities, if it does, all of them are listed under "additional entities", with every entry having a list of aspects to clarify in which way those entities are used in the Wikipedia article?

I think the main confusion to me is how is use defined. I know that each Wikipedia article has exactly one corresponding Wikidata entity. But how are those additional entities used on the article to get this link?

Protsack.stephan (talkcontribs)

Yes you understand it correctly. Aspects clarify usage of entities in the article. Single article has only one corresponding entity (QID) but if it references or uses data from other entities inside the article those are listed as additional entities. So basically main entity is corresponding entity in Wikidata and additional entities is a list of other entities that are used inside the article.

Reply to "Document aspects"

Projects covered in Wikimedia Enterprise

Hogü-456 (talkcontribs)

Will you integrate Wikidata into Wikimedia Enterprise. I think that if there is more interest in Wikidata in the future the number of requests could get higher. Also I think that there is less live-update needed when using Wikidata as another Wiki and so maybe improving dumps is enough. At friday there is a discussion through Wikidatacon about the QueryService and how to make it more accesable. For the list what you show at the page with average size in MB I think a script is useful to update it.

LWyatt (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Yes Wikidata is a very common/popular request, and it is very high on our product roadmap to achieve it being included. Of course, because Wikidata is a completely different creature to all the other sister projects, it is not a simple task. The Enterprise team are in regular contact with the Wikidata team at WMDE and we will, over time, identify the best way to integrate it technically. Also, it will be important to integrate it organisationally - by that I mean: that the WMDE team should not have to do extra work themselves, or stop doing the things they already had on their roadmap.

Because of these reasons, Wikidata is not included in the Enterprise dataset in the "first version". But eventually, yes.

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