Talk:EMWCon Spring 2016

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Saper (talkcontribs)

Hello, has there been any discussion about the followup conference (next year maybe)?

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

Yes. There has already been discussion of a Spring 2017 event, which will most likely be called EMWCon again. There's also a city in mind (in the U.S.), but nothing has been finalized yet.

Reply to "After Spring 2016?"

What is the deadline to sign in ?

Nicolas NALLET (talkcontribs)


Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

Hi Nicolas, sorry for the delay in responding. There is no deadline, but the sooner you register (if you're going), the easier it makes things for the organizers.

Reply to "What is the deadline to sign in ?"
Ckoerner (talkcontribs)
Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

I have no idea. This seems like a question for the TPS people, not for the organizers - unless there's something we (the organizers) can do about it...

Ckoerner (talkcontribs)

At the Fall SMWCon TPS grants were available and linked to from the event page. I think it was even mentioned in their communications on mailing lists and whatnot. That's how I was able to attend actually :)

I don't know what the event organizers for that event had to do in order to advertise the opportunity for their event. Is there a approval process with the grants team? Can you just throw up a link and say go apply?

We didn't do it for the Spring 2015 SMWCon, so I don't know either!

If it's something the organizers of EMWCon want to look into it might be helpful for folks who would like to attend but need assistance in doing so.

Reply to "Travel Scholarships?"
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