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Put this in LocalSettings.php .

// The Grim Reaper allows trusted users to demote and add groups to themselves, if necessary!
$wgRemoveGroups['reaper']                   = true; // That's what Reapers do, they end lives...
$wgGroupsAddToSelf['reaper']                = true; // He is all powerful, after all.
$wgGroupPermissions['reaper']['block']      = true; // Yes, he must suspend the living soul
$wgGroupPermissions['reaper']['delete']     = true; // Remove thy trace
$wgGroupPermissions['reaper']['bigdelete']  = true; // ANY SIZE at ANY COSTS
$wgGroupPermissions['reaper']['protect']    = true; // Refrain the resurrections
$wgGroupPermissions['reaper']['undelete']   = true; // (No comment)
$wgGroupPermissions['reaper']['rollback']   = true; // You can figure this one out.
Return to the user group list.