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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:DeleteBatch.php and the translation is 43% complete.
MediaWiki Version:


deleteBatch.php is a maintenance script located in the maintenance directory that can be used to delete a batch of pages.

Warnung Warnung: When deleting pages with this script, users that are following pages being deleted will be notified by email about the deletion.


Option/Argument Beschreibung Notwendig? Standard
listfile Eine Datei, wo jede Zeile den Titel einer Seite enthält, die gelöscht werden soll. Notwendig
--u Username that will be shown in the log entries. If left empty, deletions will be attributed to the user called Delete page script. Optional Delete page script
--r Reason for deletions. If empty, no reason will be shown in the logs. Optional
--i Number of seconds to sleep after each deletion. Optional 0


php maintenance/deleteBatch.php somepages.txt [ --u| --r| --i ]

(Dies wird die Seiten, die in der Textdatei "somepages.txt" aufgelistet sind, löschen)


On a wiki farm with linked folders, change to folder containing LocalSettings.php and use:

php ./maintenance/deleteBatch.php  --conf ./LocalSettings.php --r "reason for deletion" ./deleteBatch.txt

Tipps und Tricks

In case the page titles contain special characters (like ä, ö, ü and so on), make sure to save the file in UTF-8 encoding. Otherwise the script may not be able to find the according page names inside the database!

You can create a pagelist with SQL as follows:

mysql -e "select page_title from page where page_touched between 20150431000000 and  20150519000000 and page_namespace = 0 into outfile '/tmp/pagelist.csv'"

This would create a list with all page titles touched between 2015-04-31 and 2015-05-19. This might be helpful if your wiki got attacked by spambots, and other edits happened during that time.

Other Namespaces

The above command only covers the Main namespace. The mysql database may not know the prefix name of other namespaces, so we have to do them one by one. For example, to delete all pages in the User namespace, with the deleteme category and no other text:

mysql -e "select concat('User:',p.page_title) from page p INNER JOIN revision r ON p.page_latest = r.rev_id INNER JOIN text t ON r.rev_text_id = t.old_id where t.old_text = '{{deleteme}}' and p.page_namespace = 2 into outfile '/tmp/deleteme-user.csv'"

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