
Language, regional and character encoding settings: $wgBrowserBlackList
Browser blacklist for non-Unicode-compliant browsers.
Introduced in version:1.4.0 (r5793)
Deprecated in version:1.30.0 (Gerrit change 374422; git #I20c2e39)
Removed in version:1.32.0 (Gerrit change 443759; git #If796e77)
Allowed values:(array of regular expressions)
Default value:see below


Browser Blacklist for unicode non compliant browsers. Contains a list of regexps: "/regexp/" matching problematic browsers. If the user-agent of a browser matches one such regex, the "safemode" field is used when editing (see the safemode item in Manual:Parameters to index.php for details).

Default values

MediaWiki versions:
1.30 – 1.31

In MediaWiki 1.30 , a feature test is used to check whether browsers can correctly round-trip Unicode characters:

$wgBrowserBlackList = [];
MediaWiki versions:
1.11 – 1.29
$wgBrowserBlackList = array(
     * Netscape 2-4 detection
     * The minor version may contain strings such as "Gold" or "SGoldC-SGI"
     * Lots of non-netscape user agents have "compatible", so it's useful to check for that with a negative assertion. The [UIN] identifier specifies the level of security in a Netscape/Mozilla browser, checking for it rules out a number of fakers.
     * The language string is unreliable, it is missing on NS4 Mac.
     * Reference:
    '/^Mozilla\/2\.[^ ]+ [^(]*?\((?!compatible).*; [UIN]/',
    '/^Mozilla\/3\.[^ ]+ [^(]*?\((?!compatible).*; [UIN]/',
    '/^Mozilla\/4\.[^ ]+ [^(]*?\((?!compatible).*; [UIN]/',
     * MSIE on Mac OS 9 is teh sux0r, converts þ to <thorn>, ð to <eth>, Þ to <THORN> and Ð to <ETH>
     * Known useragents:
     * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)
     * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.15; Mac_PowerPC)
     * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC)
     * - [...]
     * @link
     * @link
    '/^Mozilla\/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE \d+\.\d+; Mac_PowerPC\)/',
     * Google wireless transcoder, seems to eat a lot of chars alive
    '/^Mozilla\/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Google Wireless Transcoder;\)/'

The changes between this and the previous version are:

  • There was a change to regexes for Netscape 2-4 detection.
  • The Google Wireless Transcoder regex was added.
MediaWiki versions:
1.7 – 1.10
$wgBrowserBlackList = array(
	 * Netscape 2-4 detection
	 * The minor version may contain strings such as "Gold" or "SGoldC-SGI"
	 * Lots of non-netscape user agents have "compatible", so it's useful to check for that with a negative assertion. The [UIN] identifier specifies the level of security in a Netscape/Mozilla browser, checking for it rules out a number of fakers.
	 * The language string is unreliable, it is missing on NS4 Mac.
	 * Reference:
	'/^Mozilla\/2\.[^ ]+ .*?\((?!compatible).*; [UIN]/',
	'/^Mozilla\/3\.[^ ]+ .*?\((?!compatible).*; [UIN]/',
	'/^Mozilla\/4\.[^ ]+ .*?\((?!compatible).*; [UIN]/',
	 * MSIE on Mac OS 9 is teh sux0r, converts þ to <thorn>, ð to <eth>, Þ to <THORN> and Ð to <ETH>
	 * Known useragents:
	 * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)
	 * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.15; Mac_PowerPC)
	 * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC)
	 * - [...]
	 * @link
	 * @link
	'/^Mozilla\/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE \d+\.\d+; Mac_PowerPC\)/'
MediaWiki versions:
1.4 – 1.6

From 1.4.1 to 1.6.10, this setting had the following default values:

$wgBrowserBlackList = array(
    "/Mozilla\/4\.78 \[en\] \(X11; U; Linux/",
     * MSIE on Mac OS 9 is teh sux0r, converts þ to <thorn>, ð to <eth>, Þ to <THORN> and Ð to <ETH>
     * Known useragents:
     * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)
     * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.15; Mac_PowerPC)
     * - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC)
     * - [...]
     * @link
     * @link
    "/Mozilla\/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE \d+\.\d+; Mac_PowerPC\)/"
MediaWiki version:

In 1.4.0, this setting had the following default value:

$wgBrowserBlackList = array(
        "/Mozilla\/4\.78 \[en\] \(X11; U; Linux/"
        // FIXME: Add some accurate, true things here