Help:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/Input methods/eo-vi


The double key system uses double letters to create circumflex letters, e.g. cc -> ĉ

The first column is the character you will get in caps and the other columns say how to type it in caps or without caps.

circumflex letter(s) digraph

(first upper case)


(all upper case)


(lower case)

Ĉ Cc CC cc
Ĝ Gg GG gg
Ä€ Hh HH hh
ÄŽ Jj JJ jj
Ɯ Ss SS ss
AĆŹ Au AU au
EĆŹ Eu EU eu

If you want to type cc in this system, you should type ccc. E.g. ccc -> cc and Ggg -> Gg.