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Core Platform Team/Initiative/Reduce Extension Interface Surface Area/Time and Resource Estimates

From mediawiki.org

< Reduce Extension Interface Surface Area

Estimated Start Date

FY1819 Q4 - FY1920 Q1

Actual Start Date

None given

Estimated Completion Date

None given

Actual Completion Date

None given

Resource Estimates

Once RFC: MediaWiki 2018 extension interfaces is approved, the following tasks will need to be resourced:

Implement action hook and filter hook interfaces in core

1 engineer for 1 week

Analyze current hooks and their usage

There are roughly 680 hooks in core. These hooks and their usage in extensions are of various levels of complexity. Therefore, the hooks will be ranked by the frequency of their usage in actively maintained gerrit hosted extensions. 3 staff months will be allocated to analyzing hook usage in rank order. At the end of this period, re-estimation will be necessary to prioritize the remaining less frequently used hooks.

The analysis will answer the following questions for each hook by examining all extensions that implement the hook:

  • Is it an action hook?
    • If so, what parameters does it need to do its job?
  • Is it a filter hook?
    • If so, what parameters does it need to do its job?

None given