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Core Platform Team/Initiative/Mainstash Multi-DC/Open Questions

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< Mainstash Multi-DC

  • Which of the available options is optimal in the short and medium term?
  • How do we ensure we have consistency of access across data storage use-cases?
  • Does this work necessitate a deeper conversation about our intentions for storage long term or can that conversation happen in parallel with this work?
  • How will data Echo/Notification expects to be persistent be handled in the future?
  • Are there clear usecases for arbitrary TTLs?
  • How does this affect our compliance with the PII retention policy?
  • Redis data was considered ephemeral, meaning it did not strictly contreven the policy. Ideally, we'd be able to reason about the retention of data in a given namespace (table in Casssandra), so we should definitely think carefully before trading that away for arbitrary TTLs.
  • Mainstash presently does not logical separate data into strict namespaces. We can follow the same pattern established by session storage, using logically separated namespaces.
  • We need to investigate if there are usecases that prevent this
  • We need to discuss enforcing this separation with stakeholders