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Core Platform Team/Initiative/Hash Checking/Open Questions

From mediawiki.org

< Hash Checking

  1. The PhotoDNA documentation mentions a maximum rate limit of 5 requests per second. Is that of concern?
  2. The PhotoDNA documentation also mentions a PhotoDNA high volume tier for customers sending more than 10 million transactions per month. Is that a tier that you feel we will eventually fall into and, if so, has anybody explored this option?
  3. The current plan is to queue a request for hash checking an image after the image has been uploaded. Images flagged as of concern for child protection would be deleted.
    • Is it of concern that these images could then be undeleted by a user?
    • If it turns out that the speed of hash checking is minimal (which it may not be), would it be preferable to prevent the images from being uploaded? That is, rather than upload then delete, the hash check would be done synchronously during upload, potentially preventing the image from ever being uploaded. It is likely that the performance would not be sufficient for this, but we are trying to assess what the optimal behavior would be.