Handbuch:Spam bekämpfen

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Combating spam and the translation is 28% complete.

Wie alle aktuellen dynamischen Websites sind Wikis ein häufiges Ziel für Spammer, die Produkte oder Websites bewerben möchten. MediaWiki bietet eine Reihe von Funktionen zur Bekämpfung von Vandalismus im Allgemeinen. Auf dieser Seite beschäftigen wir uns speziell mit Wiki-Spam.


Übliche Tools zur Bekämpfung von Wiki-Spam fallen normalerweise in folgende Kategorien:

  • Erfordern einer Anmeldung und/oder eines CAPTCHA für bestimmte Vorgänge, z. B. Bearbeitungen, Hinzufügen externer Links oder Erstellen neuer Benutzer
  • Blockieren von Bearbeitungen von bekannten IP-Adressen auf der schwarzen Liste oder IPs, auf denen Proxys ausgeführt werden
  • Blockieren von Bearbeitungen, die bestimmte unerwünschte Schlüsselwörter oder externe Links hinzufügen
  • Blockieren von bestimmten Benutzernamen und Seitentiteln, die häufig von Spambots verwendet werden
  • Blockieren von Bearbeitungen durch neue oder anonyme Benutzer für bestimmte, häufig anvisierte Seiten
  • Whitelisting von bekannten Redakteuren (wie Admins, regelmäßige Mitwirkende) und Einschränkungen für neue oder anonyme Benutzer
  • Bereinigungsskripte oder Massenlöschung (Erweiterung:Nuke ) vorhandener Posts von kürzlich gesperrten Spambots

Normalerweise wird eine Kombination verschiedener Methoden verwendet, um die Anzahl der Spam-, Roboter- und Open-Proxy-Bearbeitungen so gering wie möglich zu halten und gleichzeitig die Anzahl der Störungen zu begrenzen, die für rechtmäßige Benutzer der Website verursacht werden.

Beachte, dass viele dieser Funktionen standardmäßig nicht aktiviert sind. Wenn du eine MediaWiki-Installation auf deinem Server/Host ausführst, kannst nur du die erforderlichen Konfigurationsänderungen vornehmen! Bitte deine Benutzer auf jeden Fall, zu helfen, auf Wiki-Spam zu achten (und tu dies selbst). Es hilft, die Messlatte etwas höher zu legen. Du solltest jedoch auch beachten, dass keine dieser Lösungen als vollständig Spam-sicher angesehen werden kann. Das regelmäßige Überprüfen von "Letzte Änderungen" (Special:RecentChanges) ist eine effektive Maßnahme.

Schnellste Lösungen zum Ausprobieren

Spam zu bekämpfen sollte nicht zu schwer sein. Wenn du Spam schnell und drastisch reduzieren willst, solltest du zuerst diese paar Schritte ausprobieren.

Wenn du immer noch Probleme hast, lies den Rest dieser Seite für weitere Lösungen und schreibe eine Nachricht auf mediawiki-l für Hilfe.

Grundlagen der Antispam-Einrichtung


Eine der gängigsten Methoden, um automatisierte Beiträge auszusortieren, ist die Verwendung eines CAPTCHA, ein System, das versucht, Menschen von automatisierten Systemen zu unterscheiden, indem es den Benutzer auffordert, eine Aufgabe zu lösen, die für Maschinen schwierig ist. Die ConfirmEdit -Erweiterung für MediaWiki bietet ein erweiterbares CAPTCHA-Framework, das bei einer Reihe von Veranstaltungen ausgelöst werden kann, darunter

  • alle Bearbeitungen
  • Bearbeitungen, die neue, unerkannte externe Links hinzufügen
  • Benutzerregistrierung

Die Erweiterung wird mit einem Standardtest ausgeliefert, dieser ist jedoch eine Referenzimplementierung und nicht für die Verwendung in der Produktion gedacht. Wiki-Betreibern, die ConfirmEdit in einem öffentlichen Wiki installieren, wird empfohlen, eines der in der Erweiterung enthaltenen CAPTCHA-Module zu verwenden (insgesamt existieren fünf).

Die stabilsten CAPTCHAs, die heutzutage existieren, sind deine benutzerdefinierten QuestyCaptcha-Fragen, wenn du sie genau auf die Zielgruppe deines Wikis abstimmst und sie regelmäßig aktualisierst. ReCaptcha is nowadays beaten by most spammers[1]; the Asirra CAPTCHA, which asks the user to distinguish cats and dogs, is particularly obnoxious to users but may be effective.

Es ist wichtig zu wissen, dass CAPTCHAs nicht nur unerwünschte Bots sperren können: Wenn ein Skript nicht in der Lage ist, ein CAPTCHA zu passieren, dann auch ein Bildschirmlesegerät oder eine andere Software oder Hilfe, die von Blinden oder Sehbehinderten verwendet wird. Eine der Optionen in CAPTCHA, das „reCAPTCHA“-Widget, enthält ein alternatives Audio-CAPTCHA für solche Fälle - einige Computernutzer/innen fallen jedoch bei Hörtests und Lesetests durch, daher ist dies keine vollständige Lösung. Du solltest die Auswirkungen einer solchen Barriere bedenken und den betroffenen Nutzerinnen und Nutzern möglicherweise eine Alternative bieten, um Konten zu erstellen und Beiträge zu leisten, was in einigen Ländern gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist.[2]

Auch wird dein Wiki dadurch nicht vollständig vor Spam geschützt; Spammer zahlen etwa 0,80 bis 1,20 für jedes 1.000 gelöste CAPTCHA an Unternehmen, die menschliche Löser in Bangladesch, China, Indien und vielen anderen Entwicklungsländern beschäftigen.[3] Aus diesem Grund sollte sie mit anderen Mechanismen kombiniert werden.


In der Standardkonfiguration fügt MediaWiki externe Links in Wiki-Seiten rel="nofollow" hinzu, um darauf hinzuweisen, dass diese von Nutzern erstellt wurden, Spam enthalten könnten und daher nicht zur Beeinflussung von Seitenranking-Algorithmen verwendet werden sollten. Beliebte Suchmaschinen wie Google honorieren dieses Attribut.

Du kannst dieses Verhalten mit der Variable $wgNoFollowLinks für die gesamte Website oder mit der Variable $wgNoFollowNsExceptions für jeden Namensraum abschalten.

Die Verwendung des Attribut rel="nofollow"s allein wird Spammer nicht davon abhalten, einer Seite Marketing "hinzuzufügen", es wird jedoch zumindest verhindern, dass sie durch einen höheren Page Rank davon profitieren. Dennoch sollte man sich nie auf sie als primäre Methode zur Spam-Kontrolle verlassen, da ihre Wirksamkeit von Natur aus begrenzt ist. Es tut nicht gut, Spam von deiner Website fernzuhalten.

Siehe NoIndexHistory. Beachte, dass die Kennzeichnung aller externen Links eine ziemlich harte Anti-Spam-Taktik ist, die du vielleicht nicht verwenden möchtest (schalte die Option rel=nofollow aus). See Nofollow for a debate about this. Es ist jedoch gut, dass du diese Einstellung als Standardinstallation hast. It means lazy administrators who are not thinking about spam problems, will tend to have this option enabled. For more information, see Manual:Costs and benefits of using nofollow.

Antispam routine: tailored measures

Every spammer is different, even though they all look boringly similar. If the general countermeasures are not enough, before taking extreme steps make use of the tools which allow you to deal with the specific problems you have.

Schutz einzelner Seiten

Often, the same page will be hit repeatedly by spambots. Common patterns observed in spambot-created pagenames include talk page, often outside main space (e.g. Category_talk: are little-used, so make common targets), and other discussion pages

As most abusive edits on wikis which don't require registration to edit are from anonymous sources, blocking edits to these specific pages by anyone other than established users can prevent re-creation of deleted spamdump pages. Typically, any page which is already a regular visitor to special:log/delete on an individual wiki is a good candidate for page protection.

  • Semi-protection of individual pages.
    • In addition, this can be combined with changing the minimum requirements for MediaWiki to identify users as 'autoconfirmed'.
  • One may apply cascading protection to one or more pages that have links to the most frequently spammed pages. One can also use this trick to set up a handy list for use by admins.


Erweiterung:Missbrauchsfilter allows privileged users to create rules to target the specific type of spam your wiki is receiving, and automatically prevent the action and/or block the user.

It can examine many properties of the edit, such as the username, user's age, text added, links added, and so on. It is most effective in cases where you have one or more skilled administrators who are willing to assist in helping you fight spam. The abuse filter can be effective even against human-assisted spammers, but requires continual maintenance to respond to new types of attacks.

Examples for combating automatic spam can be found on Handbuch:Spam bekämpfen/AbuseFilter-Beispiele .


The above approach will become too cumbersome if you attempt to block more than a handful of spammy URLs. A better approach is to have a long blacklist identifying many known spamming URLs.

A popular extension for MediaWiki is the SpamBlacklist extension which blocks edits that add blacklisted URLs to pages: it allows such a list to be constructed on-wiki with the assistance of privileged users, and allows the use of lists retrieved from external sources (by default, it uses the extensive m:Spam blacklist).

Die TitleBlacklist Erweiterung kann auch nützlich sein, um zu verhindern, dass bestimmte Seitengruppen neu erstellt werden, die von den Bots zum Abladen von Linkspam verwendet werden.

Offene Proxies

Open proxies are a danger mostly because they're used as a way to circumvent countermeasures targeted to specific abuser; see also No open proxies.

Some bots exist, e.g. on Wikimedia wikis, to detect and block open proxies IPs, but their code is often not public. Most such blocks are performed manually, when noticing the abuse. It's hence important to be able to tell whether an abusing IP is an open proxy or something else, to decide how to deal with it; even more so if it's an IP used by a registered user, retrieved with the CheckUser extension.

Several extensions, particularly the Tor block extension, blocks a range of open proxies.

Since 1.22, $wgApplyIpBlocksToXff is available to make blocks more effective.

Hardcore measures

The following measures are for the more technical savvy sysadmins who know what they're doing: they're harder to set up properly and monitor; if implemented badly, they may be too old to be still effective, or even counterproductive for your wiki.


MediaWiki provides a means to filter the text of edits in order to block undesirable additions, through the $wgSpamRegex configuration variable. You can use this to block additional snippets of text or markup associated with common spam attacks.

Typically it's used to exclude URLs (or parts of URLS) which you do not want to allow users to link to. Users are presented with an explanatory message, indicating which part of their edit text is not allowed. Erweiterung:SpamRegex allows editing of this variable on-wiki.

$wgSpamRegex = "/online-casino|buy-viagra|adipex|phentermine|adult-website\.com|display:none|overflow:\s*auto;\s*height:\s*[0-4]px;/i";

This prevents any mention of 'online-casino' or 'buy-viagra' or 'adipex' or 'phentermine'. The '/i' at the end makes the search case insensitive. It will also block edits which attempt to add hidden or overflowing elements, which is a common "trick" used in a lot of mass-edit attacks to attempt to hide the spam from viewers.

Apache configuration changes

In addition to changing your MediaWiki configuration, if you are running MediaWiki on Apache, you can make changes to your Apache web server configuration to help stop spam. These settings are generally either placed in your virtual host configuration file, or in a file called .htaccess in the same location as LocalSettings.php (note that if you have a shared web host, they must enable AllowOverride to allow you to use an .htaccess file).

Filtering by user agent

When you block a spammer on your wiki, search your site's access log by IP to determine which user agent string that IP supplied. For example:

grep ^ /var/log/apache2/access.log

The access log location for your virtual host is generally set using the CustomLog directive. Once you find the accesses, you'll see some lines like this: - - [16/Apr/2012:16:50:44 +0000] "POST /index.php?title=FlemmingCoakley601&action=submit HTTP/1.1" 200 24093 "-" ""

The user agent is the last quoted string on the line, in this case an empty string. Some spammers will use user agent strings used by real browsers, while others will use malformed or blank user agent strings. If they are in the latter category, you can block them by adding this to your .htaccess file (adapted from this page):

SetEnvIf User-Agent ^regular expression matching user agent string goes here$ spammer=yes

Order allow,deny
allow from all           
deny from env=spammer

This will return a 403 Forbidden error to any IP connecting with a user agent matching the specified regular expression. Take care to escape all necessary regexp characters in the user agent string such as . ( ) - with backslashes (\). To match blank user agents, just use "^$".

Even if the spammer's user agent string is used by real browsers, if it is old or rarely encountered, you can use rewrite rules to redirect users to an error page, advising them to upgrade their browser:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "Mozilla/5\.0 \(Windows; U; Windows NT 5\.1; en\-US; rv:1\.9\.0\.14\) Gecko/2009082707 Firefox/3\.0\.14 \(\.NET CLR 3\.5\.30729\)"
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/forbidden/pleaseupgrade.html
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /forbidden/pleaseupgrade.html [L]

Preventing blocked spammers from consuming resources

A persistent spammer or one with a broken script may continue to try to spam your wiki after they have been blocked, needlessly consuming resources.

By adding a deny from pragma such as the following to your .htaccess file, you can prevent them from loading pages at all, returning a 403 Forbidden error instead:

Order allow,deny
allow from all
deny from

IP address blacklists

Much of the most problematic spam received on MediaWiki sites comes from addresses long known by other webmasters as bot or open proxy sites, though there's only anecdotal evidence for this. These bots typically generate large numbers of automated registrations to forum sites, comment spam to blogs and page vandalism to wikis: most often linkspam, although existing content is sometimes blanked, prepended with random gibberish characters or edited in such a way as to break existing Unicode text.

A relatively simple CAPTCHA may significantly reduce the problem, as may blocking the creation of certain often-spammed pages. These measures do not eliminate the problem, however, and at some point tightening security for all users will inconvenience legitimate contributors.

It may be preferable, instead of relying solely on CAPTCHA or other precautions which affect all users, to target specifically those IPs already known by other site masters to be havens of net.abuse. Many lists are already available, for instance stopforumspam.com has a list of "All IPs in CSV" which (as of feb. 2012) contains about 200.000 IPs of known spambots.

CPU usage and overload

Note that, when many checks are performed on attempted edits or pageviews, bots may easily overload your wiki disrupting it more than they would if it was unprotected. Keep an eye on the resource cost of your protections.


You can set MediaWiki to check each editing IP address against one or more DNSBLs (DNS-based blacklists), which requires no maintenance but slightly increases edit latency. For example, you can add this line to your LocalSettings.php to block many open proxies and known forum spammers:

$wgEnableDnsBlacklist = true;
$wgDnsBlacklistUrls = array( 'xbl.spamhaus.org', 'dnsbl.tornevall.org' );

For details of these DNSBLs, see Spamhaus: XBL and dnsbl.tornevall.org. For a list of DNSBLs, see Comparison of DNS blacklists. See also Handbuch:$wgEnableDnsBlacklist , Handbuch:$wgDnsBlacklistUrls .


Warnung Warnung: This particular technique will substantially increase page load time and server load if the IP list is large. Use with caution.

You can set the variable $wgProxyList to a list of IPs to ban. This can be populated periodically from an external source using a cron script such as the following:

cd /your/web/root
wget https://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/listed_ip_30_ipv46.gz
gzip -d listed_ip_30_ipv46.gz
cat > bannedips.php << 'EOF'
$wgProxyList = array(
sed -e 's/^/  "/; s/$/",/' < listed_ip_30_ipv46 >> bannedips.php
printf '%s\n' '");' >> bannedips.php
rm -f listed_ip_30_ipv46

You then set in your LocalSettings.php:

require_once "$IP/bannedips.php";

You may want to save these commands in a file called e.g. updateBannedIPs.sh, so you can run it periodically.

You can also use a PHP-only solution to download the ip-list from stopforumspam. To do so check the PHP script available here.

If you do this and you use APC cache for caching, you may need to increase apc.shm_size in your php.ini to accommodate such a large list.

You have just banned one hundred forty thousand spammers, all hopefully without any disruptive effect on your legitimate users, and said «adieu» to a lot of the worst of the known spammers on the Internet. Good riddance! That should make things a wee bit quieter, at least for a while…

Honeypots, DNS BLs and HTTP BLs

140.000 dead spammers. Not bad, but any proper BOFH at this point would be bored and eagerly looking for the 140,001st spam IP to randomly block. And why not?

Fortunately, dynamically-updated lists of spambots, open proxies and other problem IPs are widely available. Many also allow usernames or email addresses (for logged-in users) to be automatically checked against the same blacklists.

One form of blacklist which may be familiar to MediaWiki administrators is the DNS BL. Hosted on a domain name server, a DNS blacklist is a database of IP addresses. An address lookup determines if an IP attempting to register or edit is an already-known source of net abuse.

The $wgEnableDnsBlacklist and $wgDnsBlacklistUrls options in MediaWiki provide a primitive example of access to a DNS blacklist. Set the following settings in LocalSettings.php and IP addresses listed as HTTP spam are blocked:

$wgEnableDnsBlacklist = true;
$wgDnsBlacklistUrls = array( 'xbl.spamhaus.org', 'opm.tornevall.org' );

The DNS blacklist operates as follows:

  • A wiki gets an edit or new-user registration request from some random IP address (for example, in the format '')
  • The four IP address bytes are placed into reverse order, then followed by the name of the desired DNS blacklist server
  • The resulting address is requested from the domain name server (in this example, '' and '')
  • The server returns not found (NXDOMAIN) if the address is not on the blacklist. If it is on either blacklist, the edit is blocked.

The lookup in an externally-hosted blacklist typically adds no more than a few seconds to the time taken to save an edit. Unlike $wgProxyKey settings, which must be loaded on each page read or write, the use of the DNS blacklist only takes place during registration or page edits. This leaves the speed at which the system can service page read requests (the bulk of your traffic) unaffected.

While the original SORBS was primarily intended for dealing with open web proxies and email spam, there are other lists specific to web spam (forums, blog comments, wiki edits) which therefore may be more suitable:

  • .opm.tornevall.org. operates in a very similar manner to SORBS DNSBL, but targets open proxies and web-form spamming.

Much of its content is consolidated from other existing lists of abusive IPs.

  • .dnsbl.httpbl.org. specifically targets bots which harvest email addresses from web pages for bulk mail lists, leave comment spam or attempt to steal passwords using dictionary attacks.

It requires the user register with projecthoneypot.org for a 12-character API key. If this key (for example) were 'myapitestkey', a lookup which would otherwise look like '' or '' would need to be 'myapitestkey.'

  • Web-based blacklists can identify spammer's email addresses and user information beyond a simple IP address, but there is no standard format for the reply from an HTTP blacklist server.

For instance, a request for http://botscout.com/test/?ip= would return "Y|IP|4" if the address is blacklisted ('N' or blank if OK), while a web request for http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?ip= would return "ip yes 2009-04-16 23:11:19 41" if the address is blacklisted (the time, date and count can be ignored) or blank if the address is good.

With no one standard format by which a blacklist server responds to an enquiry, no built-in support for most on-line lists of known spambots exists in the stock MediaWiki package. Since rev:58061, MediaWiki has been able to check multiple DNSBLs by defining $wgDnsBlacklistUrls as an array.

Most blacklist operators provide very limited software support (often targeted to non-wiki applications, such as phpBB or Wordpress). As the same spambots create similar problems on most open-content websites, the worst offenders attacking MediaWiki sites will also be busily targeting thousands of non-wiki sites with spam in blog comments, forum posts and guestbook entries.

Automatic query of multiple blacklist sites is therefore already in widespread use protecting various other forms of open-content sites and the spambot names, ranks and IP addresses are by now already all too well known. A relatively small number of spambots appear to be behind a large percentage of the overall problem. Even where admins take no prisoners, a pattern where the same spambot IP which posted linkspam to the wiki a second ago is spamming blog comments somewhere else now and will be spamming forum posts a few seconds from now on a site half a world away has been duly noted. One shared external blacklist entry can silence one problematic bot from posting on thousands of sites.

This greatly reduces the number of individual IPs which need to be manually blocked, one wiki and one forum at a time, by local administrators.

But what's this about honeypots?

Some anti-spam sites, such as projecthoneypot.org, provide code which you are invited to include in your own website pages.

Typically, the pages contain one or more unique, randomised and hidden email addresses or links, intended not for your human visitors but for spambots. Each time the page is served, the embedded addresses are automatically changed, allowing individual pieces of spam to be directly and conclusively matched to the IP address of bots which harvested the addresses from your sites. The IP address which the bot used to view your site is automatically submitted to the operators of the blacklist service. Often a link to a fake 'comment' or 'guest book' is also hidden as a trap to bots which post spam to web forms. See Honeypot (computing).

Once the address of the spammer is known, it is added to the blacklists (see above) so that you and others will in future have one less unwanted robotic visitor to your sites.

While honeypot scripts and blacklist servers can automate much of the task of identifying and dealing with spambot IPs, most blacklist sites do provide links to web pages on which one can manually search for information about an IP address or report an abusive IP as a spambot. It may be advisable to include some of these links on the special:blockip pages of your wiki for the convenience of your site's administrators.

More lists of proxy and spambot IPs

Typically, feeding the address of any bot or open proxy into a search engine will return many lists on which these abusive IPs have already been reported.

In some cases, the lists will be part of anti-spam sites, in others a site advocating the use of open proxies will list not only the proxy which has been being abused to spam your wiki installation but hundreds of other proxies like it which are also open for abuse. It is also possible to block wiki registrations from anonymised sources such as Tor proxies (Tor Project - torproject.org), from bugmenot fake account users or from email addresses (listed by undisposable.net) intended solely for one-time use.

See also Blacklists Compared - 1 March 2008 and spamfaq.net for lists of blacklists. Do keep in mind that lists intended for spam email abatement will generate many false positives if installed to block comment spam on wikis or other web forms. Automated use of a list that blacklists all known dynamic user IP address blocks, for instance, could render your wiki all but unusable.

To link to IP blacklist sites from the Special:Blockip page of your wiki (as a convenience to admins wishing to manually check if a problem address is an already-known bot):

  1. Add one line to LocalSettings.php to set: $wgNamespacesWithSubpages [NS_SPECIAL] = true;
  2. Add the following text in MediaWiki:Blockiptext to display:
"Check this IP at [http://whois.domaintools.com/{{SUBPAGENAME}} Domain Tools], [http://openrbl.org/?i={{SUBPAGENAME}} OpenRBL], [http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_{{SUBPAGENAME}} Project Honeypot], [http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip={{SUBPAGENAME}} Spam Cop], [http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip={{SUBPAGENAME}} Spamhaus], [http://www.stopforumspam.com/ipcheck/{{SUBPAGENAME}} Stop Forum Spam]."

This will add an invitation to "check this IP at: Domain Tools, OpenRBL, Project Honeypot, Spam Cop, Spamhaus, Stop Forum Spam" to the page from which admins ask to block an IP. An IP address is sufficient information to make comments on Project Honeypot against spambots, Stop Forum Spam is less suited to reporting anon-IP problems as it requires username, IP and email under which a problem bot is attempting to register on your sites. The policies and capabilities of other blacklist-related websites may vary.

Note that blocking the address of the spambot posting to your site is not the same as blocking the URLs of specific external links being spammed in the edited text. Do both. Both approaches used in combination, as a means to supplement (but not replace) other anti-spam tools such as title or username blacklists and tests which attempt to determine whether an edit is made by a human or a robot (captchas or akismet) can be a very effective means to separate spambots from real, live human visitors.

If spam has won the battle

You can still win the war! MediaWiki offers you the tools to do so; just consolidate your positions until you're ready to attack again. See Handbuch:Vandalismus bekämpfen and in particular Cleaning up, Restrict editing.

See External links for other tools without MediaWiki support.

Weitere Ideen

This page lists features which are currently included, or available as patches, but on the discussion page you will find many other ideas for anti-spam features which could be added to MediaWiki, or which are under development.

Siehe auch


  • AbuseFilter allows edit prevention and blocking based on a variety of criteria
  • A slimmed down ConfirmAccount can be used to moderate new user registrations, (doesn't require captchas).
  • CheckUser allows, among other things, the checking of the underlying IP addresses of account spammers to block them. Allows mass-blocking of spammers from similar locations.
  • FlaggedRevs
  • HoneyPot
  • SpamRegex allows basic blocking of edits containing spam domains with a single regex
  • StopForumSpam allows for checking edits against the StopForumSpam service and allows for submitting data back to it when blocking users.
  • Category:Spam management extensionscategory exhaustively listing spam management extensions
  • Moderation don't show edits to normal users until approved by a moderator. This extension has the advantage that spam links are never shown to the public, so not creating incentive to post spam.

Useful only on some wiki farms:

Kommerzielle Dienste:

Bundled in the installer

The standard tarball available for download now contains most of the main anti-spam extensions, including the following:

  • ConfirmEdit adds various types of CAPTCHAs to your wiki
  • Nuke removes all contributions by a user or IP
  • SpamBlacklist prevents edits containing spam domains, list is editable on-wiki by privileged users




  1. Example: «Automatically solve captchas: GSA Captcha Breaker + Mega Ocr (Solves Recaptcha!)» says user Senukexcr.
  2. Zum Beispiel: Abschnitt 508 Standards für Elektronik und Informationstechnologie
  3. The New York Times 25 April 2010 Spammer bezahlen andere, um Sicherheitstests zu beantworten von Vikas Bajaj