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Wikimedia Hackathon 2021/Showcase

From mediawiki.org

~~~~~~~~~ 👏 Showcase of the 2021 Hackathon 👏 ~~~~~~~~~

  • When: Sunday, May 23th, 14:00-16:00 UTC
  • If possible, use Chrome or Chromium for best compatibility
  • No recording

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🧭 Guidelines 🧭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • 20 slots available, please register in the Etherpad before Sunday, 13:00 UTC
  • 3 minutes per one project (all-included: set up, demo, etc.)
  • Only 1 speaker to present a project
  • Possibility to share your screen (please make font sizes bigger or use magnification. If possible, check screensharing in Jitsi before)
  • Pick several slots if you want to present several projects

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🎀 Presented projects 🎀 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  1. Ranker batch mode
  2. Translate Link tool
  3. Some bots for maintaining links and references in Wikipedia
    • Speaker: Tohaomg
    • Links: https://github.com/Tohaomg/wikipedia_bots
    • Phab task: -
    • Description: During this and last month I have developed and ran in ukwiki some bots which were doing such tasks:
      1. look for sets of completely identical references on a page, and if found, leave only one of them with full text and replace other references with links to the first.
      2. remove 'fbclid' and 'igshid' tokens from links.
      3. remove percent-encoding from links.
      4. turn links to other Wikipedia articles, written as external links, into internal links.
    • During those two days of the Hackathon I have prepared those bots to be used by other users in other projects:
      1. Published source code, compiled executables and other necessary files on GitHub.
      2. Wrote a detailed 'readme' file.
      3. Added English comments to the source code.
      4. Edited source code so that it can be used by users other than me and in projects other than ukwiki (those were hardcoded before).
  4. Edge cases of last mailing lists on mailman2
  5. - Enhanced look and feel of VideoCutTool
  6. Wikidata Lexeme Forms: Portuguese modal adverb
  7. Piano concert
    • Speaker: Lucas Werkmeister
    • Links: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1030661521 (CC BY 4.0)
    • Phab task: -
    • Description: I played a one-hour piano concert on Friday evening; join the other one tonight! (17:00 UTC)
  8. OpenRefine, RStudio and Dashboards on PAWS
  9. AddSenseImage
  10. Wikimedia Accessibility (yep ;)
  11. Shape Expressions for Wikidata Lexemes
  12. Fixing a bug in CollabPad
  13. Fixing a bug in IdentifierInput.js gadget for Wikidata
  14. Writing pywikibot script which would upload fFnnish museum of architecture photos from Finna to Wikimedia Commonsa
  15. Collaboratively creating a notebook for reconciliation
  16. Wikimedia Accesibility logo