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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:RunBatchedQuery.php and the translation is 100% complete.


Die runBatchedQuery.php Datei ist eine Wartung Skript, um eine Datenbankabfrage in Chargen fahren und warten Sklaven. This is used on large wikis to prevent excessive replication lag when executing large write queries.


Option Beschreibung Notwendig Standardwert
--table Table name Notwendig
--set SET clause Notwendig
--key Column name, the values of which are unique Notwendig
--where WHERE clause Optional
--batch-size Batch size Optional 1000
--db Database name, or omit to use the current wiki. Optional current wiki db


php maintenance/runBatchedQuery.php --table tableName --key columnName --set newValue [ --where| --batch-size| --db ]

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