Help talk:Searching/ko

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What's the supplies of the page?[edit]

If a user set his system language in as Korean (ko), he or she meets the message below on the search page.

MediaWiki 찾기 기능에 대한 자세한 정보는 MediaWiki 찾기를 보세요.

If Project:찾기 is not exist, Korean users can't access the search help page. Therefore, I created Project:찾기 redirecting to Help:Searching. The Korean version of it is not created, so I set Project:찾기 to redirect to the English version. However, the if the Korean version will be created, anyone can change Project:찾기. --Yes0song 07:13, 3 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

As the Korean page was created, I modified the target link of Project:찾기 to Help:Searching/ko. --Yes0song 14:50, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply