Extension talk:Semantic Maps/0.5.x

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v0.5 bug[edit]

This is what I got when I tried to go to Special pages:

Fatal error: Class 'SMFormInput' not found in /home/.eases/.../transitunlimited.org/extensions/SemanticMaps/GoogleMaps/SM_GoogleMapsFormInput.php on line 18

After the installation, there were error messages on the maps. Also, the layers are available by default (I prefer to disable those). I removed the version in the mean time. 05:08, 18 December 2009 (UTC)Reply


I've just replaced my code with the one in that archive, and it's not giving any problems. Are you sure everything got uploaded correctly? There should be an SM_FormInput.php in SemanticMaps/FormInputs/. Is it possible to provide a link to your wiki, so I can determine what's going wrong?

If you don't want the layers (I'm assuming you are referring to Google Maps overlays) enabled, just remove the overlays control from the default controls setting.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 11:45, 21 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • I am experiencing similar 'Fatal error' bug. I have tried to debug this problem, and at least in my case, it seems that $sfgFormPrinter is not found to be set in SM_FormInputs.php even though Semantic Forms is already loaded. Therefore, SM_FormInput.php, and thus the class 'SMFormInput', is never loaded. I sent Jeroen my info. by e-mail so he can check this out.--MiamiVolts 08:36, 23 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

Hey guys,

You should have SF included before Maps. I suspect this is causing your problems. Can you confirm this?


-- Jeroen De Dauw 13:50, 23 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

I haven't have time to test this, but I don't have Semantic Forms installed. 06:30, 24 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • Looks like the 0.5 version is requiring Semantic Forms to be installed, then. Jeroen e-mailed me that he would check into whether this kind of error could be handled more elegantly, like simply disabling the SM form inputs when SF is missing. I'd guess such a fix would be in the next release.--MiamiVolts 06:45, 24 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

Height issue and static information[edit]


I cannot change the widht or height of a yahoo map, it stays the same no matter what, google map work fine with the same query and settings.

Is is possible to have the name of the reference displayed static on the map, I know this is displayed with a popup box (and that is working )) but I want it there all the time


You'll be pretty unsuccessful when doing widht=123, but width=123 should work though. If this is not the source of your error, can you link me to an example where the error occurs, or at the very least provide the versions of Maps and SM you are using?


-- Jeroen De Dauw 13:52, 23 December 2009 (UTC)Reply


I forgot to address your other question. Maps does not support having pop-ups open by default on your map. It does make sense to have this ability though, so I'll look into it for 0.5.1 or 0.5.2.


-- Jeroen De Dauw

Template And HTML[edit]

Hi, I cant seem to find any detailed information about the templates, im assuming its because they arent fully implemented yet? But when i try and retrieve the nameless properties, only 1 is returned and it isnt the first property in the list.

As for the html, as soon as i try and put a div tag in, the entire map wont show.

-Justin Streatfeild


Are you having any of these problems with the released version?


-- Jeroen De Dauw 01:49, 22 January 2010 (UTC)Reply


Yup, v0.5.2, as soon as i put the html tag in, the map stops displaying.

Template: <div style="height:150px;"> {{{1}}}{{{2}}} {{{title}}} </div>

Map Code: {{ #ask: [[Category:Location]] |?Coords |?Address |?Name |format=googlemaps |width=700 |height=600 |type=hybrid |types=normal, hybrid |controls=large, type |autozoom=off |template=MainMap_Popup }}

-Justin Streatfeild


I'll attempt to fix this for 0.5.4.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 19:48, 26 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Bug in YahooMapsFormInput[edit]

Hi Jeroen

I installed 0.5.2 today and immediately ran into PHP warnings when using YahooMaps as a form input.

In SM_YahooMapsFormInput.php, line 77, your are using $type and $typeString, which are two variables that are not defined in that part of the code.

I took a cue from the SM_YahooMapsQP.php file and figured out they should be replaced by '$this->type' and '[$this->types]' respectively.

I also owe you an answer about IE6 in the Maps talk page. I will check the new version as soon as possible.

Regards - Laurent Alquier


You are correct, it should have been $this->type and $this->types. Thanks for the bug report :)


-- Jeroen De Dauw 01:52, 22 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Error with OpenLayers support within forms[edit]


As reported on the Nabble board, there is a problem with the OpenLayers form support, where incorrect coordinates are being generated upon clicking a map location. It's been suggested to me that this may be a projection issue. A quick look at the OpenLayers site shows that the default projection used is EPSG:4326, but it looks as though alternatives can be specified for individual Maps or Layers.


--Gheathcote 11:23, 27 January 2010 (UTC)Reply


This is indeed a projection issue. The bug has been introduced somewhere between 0.3 and 0.3.3, and has been present ever since, without anyone posting a bug report. Any way, I hope to have this fixed for 0.5.3, although I'm not 100% sure on how to do that.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 17:36, 29 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

0.5.3 breaks Yahoo maps ??[edit]

Hi Jeroen

Did something fundamental change with the way 0.5.3 handles yahoo maps ?

After installing the new files, every single Yahoo map on my wiki appears blank. Some have javascript errors about missing definitions (YAHOO_REG). I only checked that behavior on Firefox 3.6 at the moment.

- Laurent Alquier


I did not make any significant changes to the relevant code afaik. The maps on my demo wiki are working (and I'm also using ff 3.6)... Can you provide a link to the misbehaving maps?

Also, what language is your wiki in? There are some internationalization issues, which might be causing your problems.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 19:45, 26 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Template not displaying type Page or URL properties[edit]

Hi Jeroen,

Have you seen issues when using a template for properties that defined as type Page or URL? I am using version 0.5.3 and when the properties are defined as Page or URL, the properties do not appear to be recognized, but when I changed them to type String, the values are displayed.

Thanks. TeresaW -- 18:18, 23 February 2010 (UTC)Reply


Can you provide a link to the template, and a page where it's used, so I can have a look at it?


-- Jeroen De Dauw 19:47, 26 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

You can see the issue on this page http://dev.openei.org/wiki/TestWeatherTemplate which uses the template http://dev.openei.org/wiki/Template:Buildings/WeatherDataPopup. File type is a property of type Page and Energy Plus URL is of type URL, but they do not appear to be recognized. Currently, the GMT value is being displayed in File Type. If I change property type to string, then the value is displayed properly. You can see the values without the use of the template at this link http://dev.openei.org/wiki/Buildings_Weather_Data_South_America_%28WMO_Region_3%29 and the data is stored as internal objects on this page as well.

Also, is there a way to make the popup larger so the whole value is shown. For example, the whole url in the popup on this page are not within the popup. http://dev.openei.org/wiki/High_Performance_Buildings_Database

Thanks. TeresaW 18:19, 2 March 2010 (UTC)


I'll have a look at the issue with non recognized properties as soon as I have some spare time. I can't determine what's going wrong by looking at these pages alone, and will have to do some PHP debugging. In any case, it'd be useful if you could tell me if the properties do show up when they are of type page but using the default query format (so omitting format=map).

The issue with the pop-ups is rather odd, as it has come up before, and should have been fixed. You should get a vertical scrollbar when the contents doesn't fit the pop-up, but obviously this is not happening at your wiki. I'll also come back to you on this as soon as I have some time.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 11:00, 3 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Yes, the properties do show up when you do a default query. They also show up when I the format=map without the template. I added a default query to the TestWeatherTemplate page so you can see the values.

The scrollbar shows up sometimes but part of it is still outside the popup. If you look at the Buildings_Weather_Data_South_America link listed above, you can see the scrollbar.


-- TeresaW 18:35, 3 March 2010 (UTC)

Maps not showing[edit]

Do you know why some of the maps created by Semantic Maps with Compound queries work http://www.transitunlimited.org/San_Diego_Trolley_Blue_Line and those don't" http://www.transitunlimited.org/Los_Angeles_Metro_Rail_Red_Line All the maps work before under 0.5.2. 09:14, 6 March 2010 (UTC)Reply


The map not showing up has nothing to do with SQC, but rather some escaping issue introduced by a security fix in the last version of Semantic Maps. Will have a look at this soon. Can you put SM specific topics on the SM talk page? That makes it easier for me to track.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 15:37, 6 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Now I can make some of those affected maps to show up by eliminating one of the queries ("-Rail"). I change those as a temporary measures, but other maps showed just fine. Maps that have the same queries without using SQC seemed fine.

However I found these pages still not showing with or without SQC: http://www.transitunlimited.org/Alum_Rock_-_Santa_Teresa, http://www.transitunlimited.org/VTA_Light_Rail 15:46, 6 March 2010 (UTC)Reply


Since this is an escaping issue, the problem will only occur when certain characters should be displayed in the marker pop-ups, and is thus dependent on what data you query returns.

This is a pretty serious issue, which I will attempt to fix soon.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 17:57, 6 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

The patch works for http://www.transitunlimited.org/VTA_Light_Rail 19:56, 16 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Also having trouble...[edit]


Heard there was issue with Pagenames with certain characters, could anyone say what these characters actually are please? There is a problem displaying any map with the property Services Offers::Food on this wiki above :/ Thank you.

It's sorted now - problem was with commas in pagetitles as previously said above :/


I take this issue has been resolved by installing 0.5.5? Please let me know if it's not.


-- Jeroen De Dauw 13:34, 24 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Proximity query[edit]

The proximity query seems really buggy and there really no instructions available. I tried to make a query like this:

{{#ask: [[latlong::37.428788, -122.141109]]|distance=1|?latlong|format=map}}

In the older version, it displays in the map, but shows everything within 5 miles (the distance parameter seems not to be working). The current 1.5.5 version shows:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to SMGeoCoordsValueDescription::__construct() must be an instance of SMGeoCoordsValue, none given, called in /home/.eases/###/transitunlimited.org/extensions/SemanticMaps/GeoCoords/SM_GeoCoordsValue.php on line 191 and defined in /home/.eases/###/transitunlimited.org/extensions/SemanticMaps/GeoCoords/SM_GeoCoordsValueDescription.php on line 26 22:06, 20 March 2010 (UTC)Reply


The code for this query has just been moved over from SMW, and is currently in the same sorry state it was in there - not completely working, and very badly written. The distance parameter has been disabled because of this. I'm working on writing the thing again from ground up though, which will be in 0.5.6, with a working, although other, way of setting the distance.


-- Jeroen De Dauw

Assistance with Adding a Map Feature[edit]

I am attempting to make this {{{field|The coordinates|input type=googlemap|earth=on}}} appear within my semantic mediawiki form. I simply cannot wrap my mind around it. I set the properties for my form for the geocoordinates field ! IBRR GIS | [[IBRR GIS::{{{IBRR GIS|}}}]] |-and it simply gives me a text area. I am in hopes that you can point me in the right direction. I really think what you do is great and am homeless here in the US and don't know how to code. You suggested to run this question in the Discussions section, so please move this if it is in the wrong area. Thank you. --Vincit Omnia Veritas 15:10, 4 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

The earth= parameter has been deprecated long ago, and support has been removed altogether a while back. You can use the type parameter to get Google Earth on your maps.

This is unrelated to your not getting a map though. This can be due to a lot of different things, like installation issues and incorrect use of SMW. Providing a link to the form where you are having this problem is probably the quickest way to get this solved.

-- Jeroen De Dauw 15:35, 4 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

Our Yard Locator Form is the link to the form. You will see it is really just a basic form for entering some info about trains. The IBRR GIS is where we are trying to have a map come up that was similar to your display on your blog; the ability to type an address and it geocodes itself and then saves it (I might be oversimplifying this as I don't understand coding). I read your statements on depreciation and understand that part of it. What my problem is is that I cannot seem to figure out why I can't get the mapping to load up (perhaps I have attached the wrong property/whatever---I created the property as IBRR GIS and assigned the geocoord and then even tried to call it LATLON to no avail as the history will probably show). I even tried to go to other sites to look for examples, but it kinda goes contrary to using the forms; I mean I don't want to hand code everything and I know this is a pretty simple deal that I am failing to grasp. Take your time and your help is appreciated!(Added: Went to SMW.referata and added template, form and property for Has Coordinates and nothing. So, as I thought all along I am doing something wrong and do not know what it is. :( )--Vincit Omnia Veritas 20:03, 4 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

The link to your form appears to be broken. Also, the form on referata you linked to is working perfectly. Then again, it appears only Yaron edited it, so you might have linked the wrong form?

-- Jeroen De Dauw 10:34, 5 April 2010 (UTC)Reply